10 Best Free Party Games for Large Groups

Cannonball or Dodgeball is a fun game where the players play against each other, one player has the ball and has to throw and hit the ball to other players. The player with the ball can only take three steps before throwing. If the ball hits a player and then touches the ground the player is eliminated. If the ball hits a player and then another player catches it before it touches the ground the game continues, no player is eliminated, if the ball hits a player and then the player catches the ball before it touches the ground the player who threw the ball is eliminated. When a player is eliminated he has to wait until the player who eliminated him is eliminated to play again.

Broken Telephone with Mimic
The players stand in a line facing the back of the player in front of them. The first player in the line is given the name of a film which he has to mime to the player in front of him. the player in front of him mimes what he received to the next player and so on. the last player has to say out loud the film he thinks it is.

The Mafia Game is a social deduction game where players are secretly assigned roles as either Mafia members or Townspeople. The Mafia's goal is to eliminate the Townspeople without revealing their identities, while the Townspeople aim to identify and eliminate the Mafia. Through alternating Night and Day phases, players discuss, accuse, and vote on who they believe is part of the Mafia until one team achieves its win condition. It's a game of strategy, deception, and deduction that requires players to bluff and outsmart their opponents.

Freeze Tag
One person is "it" and tries to tag the other players. When someone is tagged, they must freeze in place until another player tags them to "unfreeze" them. The game continues until everyone is frozen.

Hot Potato
Participants sit in a circle and pass an object (the "hot potato") around while music plays. When the music stops, the person holding the hot potato is out. Continue until only one person remains.

Hi Ha Hu
Everyone stands in a circle. First player says "HI" and with joined palms waves from the top of the head down towards someone. That person then says "HA" and does the same movement but down to up. Person to left and right turn towards that person and say "HU", sweeping connected hands to the stomach of the middle person. Then it continues like that. If a person is not attentive and says or does something else that is incorrect, they are eliminated. The more people it is even more interesting. But if it exceeds a number of, for example, 20 in a round, several groups are made that play the same thing at the same time. When the number of people in the rounds decreases, small groups can join together until only one remains.

Find the Item
Have a list of random but relatively normal items for people to find in the audience. Two teams compete against each other to see who can return to the stage with the item the fastest. (e.g. $100 bill, Samsung phone, pink sock, someone over 65 etc.).

Red Light Green Light
The player who is "it" faces away from everyone else. When they say "Green Light", all other players can run towards them. When the player who is "it" says "Red Light" and turns, players must stop. If the player who is "it" catches anyone moving when they turn, those players must go back to the starting line.

Musical Chairs
Play music. When it stops, everyone sits. If you don't have a chair you are out. Variations: Players need to go under the chair, arrange the chairs into a different pattern, etc.

Rock Paper Dragon
First, everyone finds someone and plays basic "Rock-Paper-Scissors" with them. Then the loser attaches themselves onto the winners by grabbing their shoulders like a "train". We are going to call that pair "team A". "Team A" then finds another team or pair (Team B) to verse. If "team A" beats "Team B" then "Team B" has to attach to the back of team A's train. That group verses another group and so on eventually every group in the room is attached in one big dragon and they make a loop around the room. It is not really as confusing as it sounds. A prize can be awarded to the person at the front of the dragon.