

Min players:


Max players:


Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

10 - 20
A team sport played with a small ball and a circular net, where players try to hit the ball onto the net so that it bounces off and can’t be returned by the opposing team.

Game Rules


The objective of Spikeball is to hit the ball onto the circular net in such a way that the opposing team cannot return it. The first team to reach the designated number of points wins the game.


  1. Net: A circular net placed at ankle height, typically with a diameter of 36 inches.
  2. Ball: A small, bouncy ball, similar in size to a softball.
  3. Players: A minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4 players can participate, typically divided into two teams. Players should be at least 5 years old.

Basic Rules

  1. Serving:
    • The game starts with a serve. The serving team hits the ball down onto the net so it bounces up at the opposing team.
    • The server must stand at least 6 feet from the net.
  2. Hits:
    • Each team has up to three touches to return the ball to the net.
    • Players can hit the ball with any part of their body.
    • Hits must alternate between teammates.
  3. Scoring:
    • Points are scored when the opposing team fails to return the ball onto the net.
    • Points can also be scored if the ball hits the ground, rims the net, or if an illegal move is made by the opposing team.
    • Games are typically played to 21 points, with teams needing to win by 2 points.
  4. Rotation:
    • After each point, the serving team rotates positions, and the other team serves.


  • No Rims: If the ball hits the rim, it is considered a fault and the point goes to the opposing team.
  • Reverse Rotation: Players rotate positions counter-clockwise instead of clockwise after each point.

How to Play

Starting the Game

  1. Set up the circular net at ankle height in an open area.
  2. Divide players into two teams of two.
  3. Decide which team will serve first by a coin toss or mutual agreement.

Playing the Game

  1. The serving team hits the ball onto the net to start the rally.
  2. The opposing team tries to return the ball using up to three touches.
  3. Players move around the net freely to position themselves for the next hit.
  4. The rally continues until one team fails to return the ball onto the net.

Winning the Game

  • The first team to reach 21 points wins, provided they have a 2-point lead.
  • If both teams reach 20 points, the game continues until one team has a 2-point lead.

Safety Tips

  • Play in a clear, open area to avoid obstacles and injuries.
  • Ensure the net is securely set up to prevent it from collapsing during play.