The Dictionary Game

Item needed:

  1. Dictionary

Min players:


Max players:

Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

15 - 20
One person selects a word from the dictionary, and everyone else must come up with a definition for it. The person who chose the word reads out the real definition, and the person with the most creative or funny definition wins a point.


Test your creativity and knowledge by coming up with amusing or imaginative definitions for words chosen from the dictionary.


  1. Players: Minimum of 2 players, no maximum limit.
  2. Age Requirement: Suitable for ages 10 and above.
  3. Materials Needed:
    • A dictionary (physical or digital).
    • Paper and pens for each player.

Game Rules

  1. Selecting a Word:
    • One player, designated as the Word Chooser, selects a word from the dictionary. The word should be unfamiliar to the other players.
    • The Word Chooser writes the word on a piece of paper or a whiteboard so everyone can see it.
  2. Creating Definitions:
    • Each player, except the Word Chooser, writes down a definition for the chosen word. Definitions can be creative, funny, or entirely made-up.
    • Players should not share their definitions with others until everyone has finished writing.
  3. Reading Definitions:
    • Once all definitions are written, the Word Chooser collects the papers.
    • The Word Chooser reads each definition aloud, including the real definition.
  4. Voting:
    • Players vote on the most creative or funniest definition.
    • The player whose definition receives the most votes wins a point.
  5. Continuing the Game:
    • Rotate the role of the Word Chooser to the next player.
    • Continue playing until everyone has had a chance to choose a word or for a predetermined number of rounds.

Winning the Game

  • The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.


  • Chosen Word: “Grok”
  • Real Definition: To understand something intuitively or by empathy.
  • Player 1 Definition: A type of dance performed by aliens.
  • Player 2 Definition: A special rock found only in volcanic craters.


  • Theme-Based Words: Choose words based on a specific theme, such as science, nature, or history.
  • Time Limit: Set a timer for writing definitions to keep the game moving quickly.
  • Team Play: Play in teams, with each team collaborating on a definition.


  • Encourage creativity and humor in definitions.
  • Choose words that are likely to be unfamiliar to most players to increase the challenge.
  • Keep the atmosphere light and fun, emphasizing creativity over correctness.

Enjoy playing The Dictionary Game and let your imagination and humor shine!