The Drawing Game
Item needed:
- Pens
- Pencils


Min players:
Max players:
Required age:
Average cost:
Game duration(Mins):
5 - 10
- Description
- How to play?
One person describes an object, and everyone else draws what they think it looks like based on the description. The person who described the object then reveals the actual object, and the group compares their drawings to see who came closest.
Game Overview
The Drawing Game is a creative and entertaining game where players use their imagination and drawing skills to visualize and depict an object based solely on a verbal description. This game encourages creativity, listening skills, and attention to detail, making it enjoyable for players of all ages.
Game Rules
The objective of The Drawing Game is to draw an object as accurately as possible based on a verbal description provided by another player.
No special setup is required for this game. Ensure each player has drawing materials such as paper and pencils or any drawing tools of their choice.
How to Play
- Starting the Game
- Select one player to be the “Describer” for the round. This player will choose an object to describe.
- The Describer should pick an object that can be described in detail without showing it to the other players.
- Describing the Object
- The Describer gives a detailed description of the chosen object. This description can include size, shape, color, texture, and any other notable features.
- Players can ask clarifying questions, but the Describer should not show the object or use gestures.
- Drawing the Object
- All other players listen to the description and draw what they think the object looks like.
- Players have a set amount of time to complete their drawings (e.g., 5-10 minutes).
- Revealing the Object
- After the drawing time is up, the Describer reveals the actual object to the group.
- Players compare their drawings to the real object and to each other’s drawings.
- Determining the Winner
- The group decides whose drawing is the closest to the actual object based on accuracy and detail.
- The winner can be chosen by consensus or by the Describer.
- Continuing the Game
- The role of the Describer rotates to the next player for the next round, and the game continues as long as desired.
Winning the Game
- The player with the most accurate drawing in each round wins that round. Multiple rounds can be played, and the player with the most wins at the end can be declared the overall winner.
Game Settings
Number of Players
- Minimum players: 2
- Maximum players: No maximum
Required Age
- Minimum age: 5 years old
Additional Notes
- For added fun, players can choose a theme for the objects (e.g., animals, household items, mythical creatures).
- To make the game more challenging, the Describer can use abstract or unusual objects.