20 Questions
Item needed:
No items required


Min players:
Max players:
Required age:
Average cost:
Game duration(Mins):
15 - 20
- Description
- How to play?
One person thinks of an object, and the others have 20 questions to guess what it is. Everyone ask the person a series of questions to which he or she can answer with a ‘yes’ or ‘no.
Players take turns thinking of an object while the others try to guess what it is by asking up to 20 yes-or-no questions.
- Minimum players: 2
- Maximum players: No limit
Age Requirement
- Minimum age: 5 years old
Items Needed
- None required, but having a pen and paper to keep track of questions can be helpful.
- Decide on the first player to think of an object.
- The chosen player silently thinks of an object but does not reveal it to the other players.
Game Rules
- The other players take turns asking yes-or-no questions to guess the object.
- The player who thought of the object answers each question with “yes” or “no.”
- Players can ask up to a total of 20 questions.
- If a player guesses the object correctly within 20 questions, they win the round and become the next person to think of an object.
- If the object is not guessed within 20 questions, the player who thought of the object reveals it, and the next player in line gets a turn to think of an object.
- The game continues with players taking turns thinking of objects and guessing.
- The game can be played in rounds with no formal winner, or players can keep score based on correct guesses. The player with the most correct guesses at the end of the game wins.
Tips for Playing
- Choose objects that are appropriate for the age group playing.
- Think of a variety of objects to keep the game interesting.
- Encourage creativity in the questions asked to narrow down possibilities effectively.