
Item needed:


Min players:


Max players:

Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

20 - 45
In this game, you divide a wide field into two halves with a long hose and scatter light, unbreakable objects like empty ice cream containers evenly on both sides. Split players into two teams, each starting on their designated side. The goal is to collect as many containers as possible onto their side. Players remain safe on their side but can be tagged when crossing into the opposing side. Tagged players must squat and wait for a teammate’s rescue tag. Rescued players can be tagged again while escaping. To collect a container, players must cross to the other side, grab one container, and bring it back without being tagged. Dropped containers stay where they fall. Players can either run to rescue teammates or use stealth to blend in with the opposing team. If questioned directly or touched, they must reveal their true team.

Game Overview: Countries

“Countries” is a dynamic outdoor game that blends strategy, teamwork, and agility. Teams compete to amass the most buckets while rescuing teammates and avoiding opponents’ tags.

Game Setup

Field Preparation

  • Divide the Field: Select a spacious field and mark it into two equal halves using a long hose or a similar marker.
  • Scatter Buckets: Distribute many empty ice cream containers or similar lightweight, unbreakable objects evenly across both halves of the field.


  • Divide into Teams: Split the players into two teams. Each team starts on its designated side of the field.

Game Rules


  • Aim to collect as many buckets as possible on your team’s side of the field.

Safe Zones and Tagging

  • Safe Zones: Stay safe while on your team’s half of the field.
  • Crossing the Line: You become vulnerable to tagging as soon as you cross into the opposing team’s territory.
  • Tagged Players: If tagged, squat and remain stationary until a teammate rescues you.

Rescuing Teammates

  • Rescue by Tagging: Tag squatting teammates to rescue them, allowing them to run back to their side.
  • Re-tagging: Opponents can tag rescued players again as they flee back to their side.

Collecting Buckets

  • One Bucket at a Time: Take only one bucket at a time from the opposing team’s side to your own.
  • Dropping Buckets: Drop any buckets you are carrying on the spot where you were tagged.
  • No Movement of Buckets on Own Side: Do not move buckets once they are on your side.

Strategy and Stealth

  • Running and Rescuing: Run swiftly to rescue teammates and seize buckets.
  • Stealth Tactics: Blend into the opposing half, confusing the opponents. If asked directly, reveal your identity and risk being tagged.

Creative Play

  • Encourage players to use diverse strategies such as employing decoys or distractions to achieve their objectives.

Game Duration

  • End the game either at a predetermined time or when one team collects a specified number of buckets.

Winning the Game

  • The team with the most buckets on their side at the end of the game declares victory.

This format keeps the instructions clear and direct, enhancing the understanding and execution of the game.

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