Bible Story Jigsaw Puzzle Race

Item needed:

  1. Printed images of Bible story pictures
  2. Scissors to cut the pictures into puzzle piece
  3. Enough copies of the puzzle for each team or participant
  4. Optional: Timer or stopwatch

Min players:


Max players:

Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

20 - 30
Divide a Bible story picture into jigsaw puzzle pieces. Participants race to put the puzzle together as quickly as possible.

Bible Story Jigsaw Puzzle Race

Game Overview

Bible Story Jigsaw Puzzle Race is an engaging and educational game where players race to assemble a jigsaw puzzle depicting a Bible story. This game promotes teamwork, enhances cognitive skills, and reinforces knowledge of Bible stories.

Number of Players

  • Minimum Players: 2
  • Maximum Players: Unlimited (divide into teams of 2 or more players each)

Required Age

  • Minimum Age: 6

Items Needed

  • Bible story jigsaw puzzle (choose a puzzle size suitable for the age group)
  • Timer or stopwatch
  • Table or flat surface for assembling the puzzle

Cost Per Person

  • Varies depending on the cost of the jigsaw puzzle (typically $5-$20 per puzzle)


  • 10-30 minutes per game (depending on the complexity of the puzzle)

Game Rules

  1. Setup:
    • Divide the players into teams of 2 or more.
    • Provide each team with a jigsaw puzzle depicting the same Bible story.
    • Ensure each team has a table or flat surface to assemble the puzzle.
  2. Starting the Game:
    • Set a timer or designate a person to time the race.
    • On the count of three, each team begins assembling their puzzle.
  3. Playing the Game:
    • Teams race to complete the jigsaw puzzle as quickly as possible.
    • Encourage teamwork and communication among team members to efficiently complete the puzzle.
    • The timer keeps track of the elapsed time.
  4. Winning the Game:
    • The first team to complete their puzzle wins the race.
    • If playing multiple rounds, keep track of each team’s times and determine the overall winner based on the best times.

Game Variations

  • Puzzle Relay: Teams take turns, with each player completing a certain number of pieces before tagging the next player.
  • Timed Challenge: Each team has a set amount of time to complete as much of the puzzle as possible. The team with the most completed pieces wins.
  • Storytelling: After completing the puzzle, each team can share the Bible story depicted in their puzzle, enhancing the educational aspect of the game.

Tips for Success

  • Choose puzzles with large, easy-to-handle pieces for younger children.
  • Select Bible stories that are familiar to the players to make the game more engaging.
  • Use a variety of puzzles with different Bible stories for extended play and learning opportunities.