Broken Telephone Charades
Item needed:

Min players:
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Average cost:
Game duration(Mins):
- Description
- How to play?
Broken Telephone Charades is a lively and hilarious party game that combines the classic games of Broken Telephone and Charades. Ideal for groups of 8 to 25 players, it involves acting and guessing, making it perfect for parties and gatherings. Suitable for ages 10 and up.
The objective of the game is to pass down an acted-out action through a line of players and see if the final player can correctly guess the original action.
Game Setup
- Arrange the Players: Arrange all players in a single line, facing away from the stage or playing area.
- Select a Moderator: Choose one player to be the moderator. This person will be responsible for whispering the action to the first player and judging the guesses at the end.
- Prepare the Actions: The moderator should prepare a list of actions to be acted out. These can be simple or complex, depending on the age and skill level of the players.
How to Play
- Start the Round:
- The moderator whispers an action to the first player in line.
- The first player taps the second player on the shoulder to indicate they are ready to act out the action.
- Acting:
- The first player acts out the whispered action for the second player without speaking. They have a maximum of 30 seconds to perform.
- The second player watches carefully, then taps the third player on the shoulder to indicate they are ready to act out what they perceived.
- Passing Down the Line:
- This process continues down the line, with each player only watching the action from the person directly before them.
- Each player has a maximum of 30 seconds to perform their version of the action.
- Final Guess:
- The last player in line, after observing the action from the player before them, makes a guess about what the original action was.
- They state their guess out loud to the moderator and the group.
- Reveal:
- The moderator reveals the original action to the entire group.
- Players can then compare the final guess to the original action, and enjoy the often humorous differences.
- Players must remain silent throughout the game.
- Only non-verbal actions are allowed; no mouthing words.
- Players must act out the action within the given 30 seconds.
- Once a player has performed the action, they turn back around and do not participate further until the end of the round.
Winning the Game
The game does not have a traditional scoring system, as the primary focus is on fun and laughter. However, for a competitive twist, you can:
- Award points for correct guesses.
- Play multiple rounds and keep track of points to determine the winning team or player.
- Timed Rounds: Reduce the acting time to increase the challenge.
- Theme Rounds: Use themed actions related to holidays, movies, or other categories.
- Reverse Order: Start with the last player in line and pass the action backward to the first player, who makes the final guess.
Tips for Success
- Choose actions that are easy to act out and understand.
- Encourage players to use exaggerated movements to make their actions clear.
- Remind players to pay close attention to the person before them.
Required Items
- List of actions prepared by the moderator.
- Stopwatch or timer (optional).
Average Cost per Player
The game has no cost beyond any props or materials the moderator may choose to use for preparing actions.
Enjoy playing Broken Telephone Charades, where the fun lies in the unexpected twists and turns of the actions passed along the line!