Cheerleader Rock Paper Scissors
Item needed:
No items required


Min players:
Max players:
Required age:
Average cost:
Game duration(Mins):
10 - 20
- Description
- How to play?
Rock Paper Scissors tournament with winner decided by best of 3 matches. Losers become cheerleaders for the players who beat them. They continue to follow them and cheer at all matches until the final winner is determined.
Game Overview
Cheerleader Rock Paper Scissors brings a dynamic twist to the classic Rock Paper Scissors game. Players compete in a tournament, and the best of three matches decides the winner. Losers become cheerleaders, following and cheering for the player who defeated them, until we determine the final winner.
Number of Players
- Minimum Players: 8
- Maximum Players: No maximum
Age Requirement
- Required Age: 8 and above
- Average Duration: 10-20 minutes
Items Needed
- Participants: Players only
Cost per Person
- Cost: Free
How to Play
Setting Up
- Gather Players: Assemble at least 8 participants in a spacious area.
- Explain the Rules: Ensure everyone understands the tournament structure and the cheerleading concept.
Game Rules
Initial Matches:
- Pair Up Players: Players face off in Rock Paper Scissors matches.
- Best of Three: Decide each match by the best of three rounds.
Determining Winners and Cheerleaders:
- Winners Advance: Winners move on to the next round.
- Cheerleaders Form: Losers become cheerleaders for the player who beat them. They follow their leader and cheer during subsequent matches.
Subsequent Rounds:
- New Matches: Winners from the initial round face off against each other.
- Cheerleaders Follow: Cheerleaders continue to follow their leader and cheer.
Formation of a Line:
- Line Formation: Winners will be followed by their cheerleaders, forming a line as the tournament progresses.
- Joining the Line: Each match’s loser joins the line, adding to the chain of cheerleaders.
Final Winner:
- Continue Playing: The game continues until all players, except for the final winner, are part of a single line.
- Final Winner: The player at the front of the line is the final winner.
- Cheerleader Accomplishment: Cheerleaders enjoy a sense of accomplishment based on their position in the line.
- Final Winner Goal: Become the final winner at the front of the line.
- Cheerleader Goal: Support your leader and enjoy your rank in the line.
Tips for Players
- Strategy: Think ahead and try to predict your opponent’s moves.
- Cheering: Cheerleaders should be enthusiastic and supportive to keep the game lively and fun.
- Fair Play: Ensure everyone plays fairly and enjoys the game.