
Item needed:

No items required

Min players:


Max players:

Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

20 - 30
Commando is basically hide and seek meets red light green light. Choose a counter (preferably a leader/staff member). Their job is to regulate the game and call people out. Pick 5-7 checkpoints in a circular shape spread out around the start/finish zone. These points can be cones laid out or ‘that garbage can near the light post’ or ‘that large tree. The goal of the runners is to tag all the points and get back to the start zone without being seen by the counter. The counter must remain firmly in the same spot. The runners start running when the counter yells out a number. The counter will choose a number in their head (never less than five, usually never more than ten). He/she will then close his/her eyes and yell out that number very loudly followed by either ‘fast’, ‘medium’, or ‘slow’. this dictates how many times the counter will say the word ‘DOT’ in between numbers Fast = one DOT, Medium = two DOTS, Slow = three DOTS. For example, if the counter yells ‘SIX MEDIUM’, they will then yell out ‘SIX DOT DOT FIVE DOT DOT FOUR DOT DOT THREE DOT DOT TWO DOT DOT ONE DOT DOT UP’

Game Overview

Commando is an exhilarating outdoor game that blends elements of hide and seek with red light/green light. It demands strategic thinking, agility, and stealth, making it ideal for large groups.

Game Rules


Runners must tag all the checkpoints and return to the start zone without the counter spotting them.


  • Minimum Players: 10
  • Maximum Players: No limit
  • Minimum Age: 7 years old


  • Counter: Ideally a leader or staff member who oversees the game and identifies active players.
  • Runners: Players who attempt to tag the checkpoints and make it back to the start zone.


  • Checkpoints: Choose 5-7 checkpoints and arrange them in a circular pattern around the start/finish zone. Use cones or existing landmarks (e.g., a garbage can, a large tree) to mark them.
  • Start/Finish Zone: Establish a clear area where the game starts and ends.

How to Play

  1. Choosing the Counter: Pick one player to act as the counter. This person will stay in the start/finish zone to oversee the game.
  2. Positioning: The counter remains in the start/finish zone with their eyes closed while the runners get ready.
  3. Starting the Game:
    • The counter thinks of a number between 5 and 10.
    • The counter then shouts out the chosen number followed by either ‘fast’, ‘medium’, or ‘slow’, indicating the speed at which they will call out ‘DOTs’ between numbers.
    • For instance, if the counter shouts “SIX MEDIUM”, they will follow with: “SIX… DOT DOT… FIVE… DOT DOT… FOUR… DOT DOT… THREE… DOT DOT… TWO… DOT DOT… ONE… DOT DOT… UP”.
    • Runners start running when the counter announces the number.
  4. Runners’ Task:
    • Runners aim to tag all the checkpoints and make it back to the start zone.
    • Runners must avoid being seen by the counter. If the counter spots a runner moving while looking, they must call them out, and the runner returns to the start zone.
  5. Counter’s Role:
    • The counter keeps their eyes closed while calling out the numbers and ‘DOTs’.
    • The counter opens their eyes and calls “UP” at the end of the sequence to check for moving runners.
  6. Winning the Game:
    • The game continues until all runners have successfully tagged all checkpoints and returned to the start zone without being seen.
    • Players can repeat the game with a different counter each round.

Strategy Tips

  • For Runners: Utilize stealth and agility to move swiftly and silently between checkpoints. Listen carefully to the rhythm of the counter’s counting to predict the best times to move.
  • For the Counter: Change the length and pace of the counting sequences to surprise runners. Stay alert and quick to identify any moving runners.

Equipment Needed

  • Cones or identifiable landmarks for checkpoints

Game Duration

  • The duration varies based on the number of players and rounds played.

Cost per Person

  • Free


Commando thrillingly combines hide and seek with red light green light. Successfully tag all checkpoints and return unnoticed. It’s perfect for an engaging outdoor group activity!

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