
Item needed:

No items required

Min players:


Max players:

Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

5 - 10
There is one person (Chooser ) who thinks of a word and reveals the first letter. Then one participant thinks of a word and tries to describes it in a way that the Chooser does not understand it. If another participant understands the word that is described he/she says CONTACT and then says the word aloud on the count of three. If they say the same word, the Chooser reveals another letter in the word. if not, the participants have to try again with another word. Once the Chooser has revealed the second letter, participants have to try to describe a word that has those two letters in it.

Game Overview

Contact is a challenging and engaging word-guessing game where players use their communication skills to decipher a secret word chosen by the “Chooser.” With quick thinking and teamwork, players guess the word by providing clever and ambiguous clues.

Game Objective

The objective of Contact is for the players to guess the secret word chosen by the “Chooser” by providing clues that lead to its identification while avoiding clear communication that might help the Chooser figure it out.

Game Setup

Selecting the Chooser

Designate one player as the Chooser. This player secretly thinks of a word and reveals only the first letter to the other participants.

Forming the Circle

Players sit or stand in a circle, ensuring that everyone can hear each other clearly.

Gameplay Rules

Providing Clues

The player to the right of the Chooser starts by thinking of a word that begins with the revealed letter. They then describe the word in a way that is clever but not immediately understandable by the Chooser.

Saying “Contact”

If another player believes they have deciphered the word based on the clue provided, they say “Contact” and then wait for a countdown from the group leader (e.g., “one, two, three”).

Synchronized Guessing

On the count of three, both the player who said “Contact” and the player providing the clue simultaneously say the word they have in mind.

Revealing the Word

If both players say the same word, the Chooser reveals the next letter of the secret word. If they do not match, the players must try again with a new word.

Progressive Clues

As more letters of the secret word are revealed, players must provide clues that incorporate those letters into potential words.

Rotating Turns

The player who successfully guessed the word becomes the new Chooser for the next round, and the game continues with a new secret word.

Game End

Contact typically lasts for 10 to 15 minutes or until players decide to end the game.

Additional Notes

  • Required Age: Contact is suitable for players aged 12 and above.
  • Minimum Players: A minimum of 5 players is recommended to ensure a dynamic game experience, but there is no maximum limit.
  • Required Items and Cost per Person: Contact requires no specific items or associated costs, making it accessible to all.

Gather your friends and put your communication skills to the test with Contact! Can you decipher the secret word before the Chooser reveals it all?