Count to Ten

Item needed:

No items required

Min players:


Max players:


Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

10 - 15
Players take turns counting up, starting with 1. Each player says either one or two numbers. If you say 10 then you are eliminated. Restart the count at 1. Continue until only one player is left.


Count to Ten is a simple yet strategic counting game. Players take turns counting up from one, choosing to say one or two numbers per turn. If you say “10,” you are eliminated. The game continues until only one player remains.


Avoid saying “10” during each round.


  • Players: 2-20 players.
  • Age Limit: 5 and above.
  • Required Items: None.

Game Rules

Starting the Game

  1. Sit or stand in a circle.
  2. Choose a player to start the counting.

Taking Turns

  1. The first player says “1” or “1, 2.”
  2. Each subsequent player continues the count, saying either one or two consecutive numbers.
    • For example, if the first player says “1, 2,” the next player says “3” or “3, 4.”


  1. The player who says “10” is eliminated from the game.
  2. The next player starts a new round from “1.”

Continuing the Game

  1. Players take turns to count from “1” again.
  2. Each round follows the same rules, with the count resetting to “1” after each elimination.

Winning the Game

  1. The game continues until only one player is left.
  2. The last remaining player wins.

How to Play


  1. Gather all players and form a circle.
  2. Decide who will start the counting.

Starting the Count

  1. The chosen player begins by saying “1” or “1, 2.”
  2. The next player continues the count, saying either the next one or two numbers.


  1. Try to anticipate the count and avoid saying “10.”
  2. Consider how many numbers to say based on the current count and the remaining players.


  1. The player who says “10” is eliminated from the game.
  2. The next round begins immediately, starting with “1.”


  1. Continue playing rounds until only one player remains.
  2. The last player standing wins the game.

Example Round

  • Player 1: “1”
  • Player 2: “2, 3”
  • Player 3: “4, 5”
  • Player 4: “6”
  • Player 5: “7, 8”
  • Player 6: “9”
  • Player 7: “10” (eliminated)

The next round starts with the remaining players, beginning from “1.”