Egg Toss

Item needed:


Min players:


Max players:

Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

30 - 45
Pair players up and have them toss an egg back and forth to each other. Each time the children both catch it, they must take a step backward and continue. The team that can catch their egg with the furthest distance between them, wins!

Game Overview

Egg Toss is a fun and exciting outdoor game where pairs of players toss an egg back and forth, testing their coordination and teamwork. The objective is to successfully catch the egg from the furthest distance. The team that manages to catch their egg from the greatest distance wins the game!

Number of Players

  • Minimum: 6 players (3 pairs)
  • Maximum: No limit

Age Limit

  • Suitable for ages 12 and up


  • Approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the number of teams and skill level.

Required Items

  • Fresh eggs (one per pair of players)
  • An open outdoor space

Average Cost per Player

  • $1 to $2 (for the cost of eggs)

Game Setup

  1. Form Teams: Pair up the players. Each team will consist of two players.
  2. Mark Starting Line: Draw a starting line where all players will stand initially, facing their partners.
  3. Distribute Eggs: Give each team one fresh egg.

How to Play

  1. Initial Toss: Teams stand close together, about 2 feet apart. One player in each team tosses the egg to their partner.
  2. Step Back: After a successful catch, both players take one step backward.
  3. Repeat: Continue tossing the egg back and forth, taking a step backward after each successful catch.
  4. Elimination: If a team drops or breaks their egg, they are out of the game.
  5. Winning: The team that successfully catches the egg from the furthest distance is declared the winner.


  • Catch Only: Players must catch the egg with their hands. If an egg is caught using any other part of the body, the team is disqualified.
  • Step Back: Both players in a team must step back equally after each successful catch.
  • Fair Play: No deliberate attempts to sabotage other teams are allowed.

Tips for Success

  • Soft Hands: Catch the egg gently to avoid breaking it.
  • Communication: Communicate with your partner to ensure smooth tosses and catches.
  • Focus: Stay focused on the egg and your partner’s movements.

Safety Precautions

  • Ensure the playing area is free of obstacles to prevent tripping.
  • Use fresh eggs to minimize the risk of a mess and reduce odour.