Floor is made of Lava Obstacle Course
Item needed:
- Cushions
- Paper plates
- Pillows
- Small Blankets
- Stepping stones
- Hula Hoops
- Mats
- Chairs/Tables
- Balancing beam/planks
- Stuffed Animals


Min players:
Max players:
Required age:
Average cost:
Game duration(Mins):
20 - 30
- Description
- How to play?
Teams must get from Point A to Point B without touching the ground. Variations include having the team walk on chairs (1 extra chair for the team to use when moving), using planks of wood, etc.
“Floor is Made of Lava Obstacle Course” is an exciting and imaginative game where teams must navigate from Point A to Point B without touching the ground, which is imagined to be hot lava. This game encourages creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving skills.
The goal of the game is for teams to traverse a designated area without stepping on the floor, using only the provided objects. The first team to reach the endpoint without touching the ground wins.
Game Setup
- Players: 4 to unlimited.
- Age: Suitable for players aged 6 and up.
- Playing Area: A spacious area indoors or outdoors.
- Equipment:
- Chairs
- Planks of wood
- Cushions or pillows
- Extra objects like hula hoops, ropes, etc.
- Start and End Points: Mark the start (Point A) and end (Point B) of the course.
How to Play
- Divide into Teams: Split players into two or more teams.
- Explain the Rules: Briefly explain that the floor is made of lava and that players must use the provided objects to move without touching the ground.
- Distribute Equipment: Provide each team with a set number of objects, such as chairs, planks, and cushions.
- Set the Timer: Optionally, set a time limit for the game.
- Start the Game: On the signal, teams start navigating from Point A to Point B using the objects to avoid touching the ground.
- No Touching the Ground: Players must not touch the ground. If someone touches the ground, the team must return to the starting point and begin again.
- Use Provided Objects: Teams can only use the objects provided to them to navigate the course.
- One Extra Object Rule: Teams can move one extra object forward to help them progress without touching the ground.
- Teamwork: Players must work together to move across the course, using strategies to ensure everyone makes it to the end.
- Timed Challenge: The team that completes the course in the shortest time wins.
- Obstacle Additions: Add more obstacles like hoops to jump through or ropes to swing on for added difficulty.
- Themed Courses: Create themed courses (e.g., jungle, space) to make the game more immersive.
Winning the Game
The first team to reach the end point without anyone touching the ground wins the game. If the game is timed, the team that completes the course in the shortest time is the winner.
Tips for a Fun Game
- Ensure the playing area is safe and free of sharp objects.
- Encourage creative use of objects.
- Add challenges or variations to keep the game interesting.