Human Relay

Item needed:

No items required

Min players:


Max players:

Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

10 - 30
Each team forms a straight line behind the start line. When the relay starts, the first team member carries the second team member to the finish line. Once they arrive, the person who was carried runs back to the team and carries the next person to the finish line. The game ends when all team members have crossed the finish line.

Game Overview

Human Relay is a dynamic, team-based game that emphasizes strength, speed, and coordination. Teams take turns carrying each other to reach a collective goal, making it a great activity for fostering teamwork and having fun.

Game Setup

  • Players: 12 or more (no maximum limit)
  • Minimum Age: 12
  • Items Needed: None
  • Cost per Person: None
  • Duration: Varies, depends on the number of players and rounds


The goal of Human Relay is to be the first team to carry all its members across the finish line through a series of relays.

Rules and Instructions


  • Form Teams: Divide the players into equal-sized teams, with each team having at least six members.
  • Start Line: Each team lines up in single file behind a designated start line.

Game Play

  • Begin the Relay: The first team member lifts the second team member and carries them to the finish line.
  • Return to Start Line: The carried team member then runs back to the start line.
  • Continue the Relay: This returning team member picks up the next teammate in line and carries them to the finish line.
  • Repeat: Continue this pattern until all team members have reached the finish line.


The game concludes when all members of one team have crossed the finish line. Declare the first team to finish as the winner.

Game Settings

  • Location: An outdoor field or a large indoor space.
  • Start and Finish Line: Use cones or tape to mark these lines.
  • Distance: Set the distance between the start and finish lines to about 20-30 meters, adjusting for the age and physical capabilities of the players.

Safety Tips

  • Make sure all players are comfortable and capable of carrying and being carried.
  • Have an adult supervisor or referee monitor the game and ensure safety.
  • Encourage players to wear appropriate footwear to prevent slipping.


  • Obstacle Relay: Introduce obstacles between the start and finish lines to increase the challenge.
  • Timed Relay: Use a timer to see which team can complete the relay the quickest.


Human Relay is an exhilarating game that promotes teamwork, strategy, and physical endurance. By adhering to these rules and guidelines, players are guaranteed a fun and safe experience.