Kan Jam
Item needed:
- Frisbee
- Cans


Min players:
Max players:
Required age:
Average cost:
Game duration(Mins):
40 - 60
- Description
- How to play?
A team sport played with a frisbee and two cans, where players try to throw the frisbee into the opposing team’s can to score points.
Game Overview
Kan Jam is a fun and engaging team sport played with a frisbee and two cans (goals). Players aim to throw the frisbee into the opposing team’s can to score points.
- Minimum Players: 4
- Maximum Players: 8
- Minimum Age: 8
The objective of Kan Jam is to score points by throwing the frisbee into the opposing team’s can (goal) or deflecting it into the goal with the help of a teammate.
Game Setup
- Equipment:
- 1 frisbee
- 2 cans (goals) with slots
- Field Preparation:
- Set up the playing field with a distance of 50 feet between the two cans.
- Place the cans (goals) at each end of the field.
How to Play
- Teams:
- Divide players into two teams with an equal number of players (2-4 per team).
- Each team consists of a thrower and a deflector.
- Starting the Game:
- Decide which team will throw first.
- The thrower stands behind their can and throws the frisbee towards the opposing team’s can.
- The deflector stands behind or beside the opposing team’s can.
- Scoring:
- Direct Entry (Instant Win): The thrower gets the frisbee directly into the can without assistance, the throwing team instantly wins the game.
- Direct Hit (3 Points): The thrower hits the can directly without assistance.
- Assisted Entry (2 Points): The deflector redirects the frisbee into the can.
- Assisted Hit (1 Point): The deflector redirects the frisbee to hit the can.
- Turn and Round:
- Each team takes turns throwing the frisbee.
- A round is completed when both teams have had one throw each.
- Winning the Game:
- The game is played to 21 points. The first team to reach or exceed 21 points wins.
- If both teams reach 21 points in the same round, the game goes into overtime. In overtime, each team gets one throw, and the team with the highest score in that round wins.
Additional Rules
- Deflection Rules: The deflector cannot catch or hold the frisbee, only redirect it.
- Throwing Rules: Players must throw the frisbee from behind their can.
- Interference: If an opposing player interferes with the frisbee, the throwing team gets to retake the throw.
- Out of Bounds: If the frisbee goes out of bounds, the throw does not count, and no points are scored.
Enjoy your game of Kan Jam and have fun!