Lemon and Spoon Race

Item needed:


Min players:


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Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

5 - 10
Participants balance a lemon on a spoon and race to a designated point. If the lemon falls, they must go back to the starting line. The first person or team to reach the finish line without dropping the lemons wins.

Game Overview

In the Lemon and Spoon Race, participants compete in a thrilling challenge of balance and speed. Balancing a lemon on a spoon, players race against each other to reach the finish line without dropping their precious cargo. It’s a fun and exciting game suitable for players of all ages.

Game Setup

Materials Needed:

  • Lemons: One lemon per participant.
  • Spoons: One spoon per participant.
  • Open Space: A clear area where the race can take place safely.
  • Race Markers: Designated starting and finishing lines.

Gameplay Rules

  1. Forming Teams: If playing in teams, divide participants into equal teams. Each team selects one member to represent them in the race.
  2. Balancing the Lemon: Each participant places a lemon on the back of a spoon and holds the spoon handle with their mouth or hand, ensuring the lemon remains balanced throughout the race.
  3. Start of Race: Participants line up at the starting line, with their lemons balanced on their spoons.
  4. Race Begins:
    • Upon the signal, participants begin to race towards the designated finish line while carefully balancing their lemons.
    • Players must move quickly but cautiously to prevent the lemon from falling off the spoon.
  5. Dropped Lemon Penalty:
    • If a participant’s lemon falls off the spoon at any point during the race, they must return to the starting line and begin again.
    • The participant or team who reaches the finish line without dropping their lemon wins the race.
  6. Team Variation: If playing in teams, the first member to successfully complete the race passes the lemon and spoon to the next teammate, who continues the race. The team with all members successfully completing the race first wins.
  7. Winning the Game: The first individual or team to successfully cross the finish line without dropping their lemon wins the game.

Additional Guidelines

  • Encourage Sportsmanship: Emphasize the importance of good sportsmanship and fair play throughout the race. Cheer on participants and celebrate their achievements, regardless of the outcome.
  • Safety Measures: Ensure that the race area is free from obstacles or hazards that could cause accidents. Remind participants to be mindful of their surroundings and to race responsibly.
  • Variation: To add an extra challenge, consider introducing obstacles or hurdles along the race course, requiring participants to navigate carefully while balancing their lemons.


The Lemon and Spoon Race promises laughter, excitement, and friendly competition as participants strive to master the art of balance and speed. Whether played individually or in teams, this classic game is sure to delight players of all ages and bring joy to any gathering. Get ready to race, balance, and conquer the finish line in this thrilling test of skill and agility!


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