

Min players:


Max players:

Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

5 - 10
Start with a large collection of paired objects. Objects are arranged into a grid and covered with something (bucket, basket, etc.). Players take turns uncovering two items. If they match, player earns a point and player takes another turn. If not, player must cover up both items again. Player who make the most matches win.


Memory is a classic game of concentration and recall where players aim to match pairs of hidden objects. By uncovering items strategically, players can earn points and exercise their memory skills.


  • Minimum Players: 6
  • Maximum Players: No maximum limit
  • Required Age: 7 and above
  • Items Needed:
    • Paired objects
    • Tape (for grid)
    • Basket/Bucket
    • Optional: Runway (white tape)
  • Cost Per Person: $0
  • Duration: 15-20 minutes

Setting Up

  1. Grid Formation: Use tape to create a grid on a flat surface. The grid should have rows and columns to accommodate the paired objects.
  2. Object Placement: Place paired objects randomly within the grid. Ensure that each pair is placed adjacent to each other.
  3. Covering the Objects: Cover the objects with a basket or bucket to conceal them from view.


  1. Starting the Game:
    • Gather all players around the grid.
    • Determine the order of play, usually by age or through a random selection method.
  2. Uncovering Objects:
    • On their turn, a player selects two squares on the grid to uncover.
    • The player lifts the covers of the selected squares to reveal the objects underneath.
  3. Matching Objects:
    • If the two objects match, the player earns a point and gets another turn.
    • The matched objects remain uncovered for the duration of the game.
  4. Covering Objects:
    • If the two objects do not match, the player must cover them up again with the basket or bucket.
    • It becomes the next player’s turn.
  5. Strategic Play:
    • Players can employ memory and deduction skills to remember the locations of previously uncovered objects.
    • Strategic uncovering can increase the chances of making successful matches.
  6. Winning the Game:
    • The game continues until all pairs have been matched.
    • The player with the most matches at the end of the game wins.

Rules and Regulations

  1. No Peeking:
    • Players must not lift the covers of squares unless it is their turn.
    • Peeking or touching objects before uncovering them is not allowed.
  2. Fair Play:
    • Encourage fair play and good sportsmanship among all participants.
    • Respect the decisions made by the game organizer or referee.
  3. Respecting the Grid:
    • Players must only uncover one pair of objects at a time.
    • Avoid disrupting the grid layout during gameplay.
  4. Safety:
    • Ensure that the playing area is free from hazards to prevent accidents.
    • Players should be mindful of their surroundings and avoid collisions with other participants.
  5. Optional Runway:
    • To add an extra challenge, create a runway using white tape where players must walk blindfolded to the grid.


Memory is a timeless game that offers entertainment and mental stimulation for players of all ages. By exercising memory and concentration skills, players can enjoy a fun and rewarding experience. Challenge your memory, strategize your moves, and may the best memory master prevail!