Mop Head & Hockey Sticks

Item needed:


Min players:


Max players:

Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

20 - 30
Divide the players into two teams, aligning them in two lines spaced apart from each other. Scatter some hockey sticks in the corners opposite each team. Directly in front of the teams, position a chair and place a mop head between the teams. Assign numbers to each player on both teams. When numbers are called out, players must dash to the opposite side, seize a stick, and use it to retrieve the mop head back to their team’s chair. Occasionally, call multiple numbers to add excitement.


The objective of “Mop Head & Hockey Sticks” is to bring the mop head back to your team’s chair using the hockey stick. The team that successfully brings the mop head back the most times wins.


  • Teams: Divide the players into two teams of equal or nearly equal size. Each team lines up facing the other, spread apart from each other.
  • Hockey Sticks: Place an equal number of hockey sticks in opposite corners of the play area, one for each player.
  • Chair: Position a chair directly in front of each team, at an equal distance.
  • Mop Head: Put a mop head in the center of the play area, equidistant from both teams.


  • Numbering Players: Number each player on both teams. Players will have corresponding numbers on each team (e.g., each team will have a player 1, player 2, etc.).
  • Calling Numbers: The game master will call out numbers. The players with the called numbers will run to the opposite corner to grab a hockey stick.
  • Retrieving the Mop Head: Players must then use the hockey stick to bring the mop head back to their team’s chair.
  • Scoring: A point is scored by the team whose player first brings the mop head back to their team’s chair.
  • Multiple Numbers: From time to time, the game master may call out multiple numbers, requiring more players to participate simultaneously.

How to Play

  • Starting the Game: The game master begins by calling out a number. The corresponding players from each team run to the opposite corner to grab a hockey stick.
  • Bringing Back the Mop Head: Once the player grabs the hockey stick, they must use it to push, pull, or maneuver the mop head back to their team’s chair.
  • Scoring: The first player to successfully place the mop head on their team’s chair scores a point for their team.
  • Continuing the Game: The game master continues to call out numbers, allowing different players to participate each round.
  • Multiple Players: Occasionally, the game master calls out multiple numbers to increase the challenge and excitement.

Winning the Game

The game can be played for a set number of rounds or until a team reaches a predetermined score. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Tips and Variations

  • Strategy: Teams can strategize on how to best maneuver the mop head using the hockey sticks.
  • Speed and Agility: Encourage players to be quick and agile to outmaneuver their opponents.
  • Variations: Try using different objects instead of a mop head or varying the distance between the teams and the chairs.

Safety and Fair Play

  • Supervision: Ensure that an adult or responsible game master supervises the game to enforce the rules and maintain safety.
  • Fair Play: Encourage all players to play fairly and respect each other.

Enjoy playing “Mop Head & Hockey Sticks” and may the best team win!