Packing Peanut Tower

Item needed:


Min players:


Max players:


Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

10 - 15
Divide your group into even teams. Designate an area for each team to use to build their tower. Provide each team with an even distribution of supplies “ packing peanuts and toothpicks. Explain the rules of the challenge to your group “ each team will get the same amount of time (5-15 minutes, depending on what suits) to build the tallest freestanding tower they can out of only packing peanuts and toothpicks. When the time runs out, teams must stop building their towers and let them stand freely on their own. If the tower falls down, that’s too bad – the height is measured to its tallest vertical point. The team with the tallest tower wins!

Game Overview

Packing Peanut Tower is an engaging and competitive team-building activity where players use packing peanuts and toothpicks to construct the tallest freestanding tower within a set time limit. This game fosters creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. It’s ideal for small to medium-sized groups.

Game Setup


  • Minimum Players: 4
  • Maximum Players: 20

Required Age

  • Minimum Age: 12 years old

Materials Needed

  • Packing peanuts
  • Toothpicks
  • Timer or stopwatch
  • Measuring tape


  • An open space with designated areas for each team to build their towers

Game Rules


  • Build the tallest freestanding tower using only packing peanuts and toothpicks within the allotted time.

How to Play

  1. Divide into Teams: Split the group into even teams. Each team should have an equal number of players.
  2. Designate Building Areas: Assign a specific area for each team to use for building their tower.
  3. Distribute Supplies: Provide each team with an equal amount of packing peanuts and toothpicks.
  4. Explain the Rules:
    • Each team has 5-15 minutes (choose a time that suits your group) to build the tallest freestanding tower they can using only the provided materials.
    • Teams can only use packing peanuts and toothpicks for construction.
    • Once the time is up, teams must stop building and step away from their towers.
  5. Build the Towers: Start the timer and let the teams begin building. Encourage collaboration and creativity.
  6. Measure the Towers: When the time runs out, measure the height of each tower from the base to the tallest vertical point. If a tower falls, measure it as it stands.
  7. Declare the Winner: The team with the tallest freestanding tower wins the challenge.


  • Design Challenges: Introduce specific design constraints, such as only using a limited number of toothpicks or creating a themed tower.
  • Obstacle Rounds: After the initial build, introduce an obstacle or challenge that teams must adapt their towers to overcome.

Game Tips

  • Encourage teams to plan their structures before they start building.
  • Ensure the building area is level and free from drafts or disturbances.
  • Provide a countdown to help teams manage their time effectively.