Dodgeball Free-for-All
Set boundaries. Throw a dodgeball in the middle and all players are on their own. If hit, a player must go outside the boundaries. If the player who hit them gets hit, they are back in the game. Only way to win is to eliminate all other players in the game.

Players take turns trying to limbo under a bar without touching it or falling over.

21 Football
In "21 Football," teams take turns attempting to score points by completing passes from the quarterback to receivers in designated zones, each with different point values. Teams, divided into even-numbered groups, select a quarterback who throws from a designated zone and cannot leave that area. Players switch between being receivers and defenders, staying within their assigned zones during passes. Successfully completed passes earn points based on the zone's value, but defenders can intercept or deflect passes. Each round consists of four pass attempts, and after four passes, the roles switch, with the first team reaching 21 points winning the game.

Four on the Couch
Goal is to get 4 from the same team on the couch. There must be one less seat than there are people in the room. Divide into at least two teams and have everyone put their name in hat. Everyone draws a name and that becomes their new name for the game. Everyone should keep their name a secret. The person to the left of the empty seat in the room calls out a name. The person who drew that name moves to the empty seat and switches names with the person who called out the name. Now the person to the left of the new empty seat calls a name. Continue. Try to call the right names to get your team on the couch.

Strip the present
A gift is wrapped and re-wrapped in layers of newsprint, foil, wax paper, plastic, paper, etc. All guests sit in a circle. Each one removes one layer of wrapping and passes the present on. The guest who removes the last wrap has to do a forfeit and then he gets to keep the gift.

In the game "Psychiatrist," players are divided into two roles: "The Psychiatrist" and "The Patients." The game is played in rounds, with one player as the Psychiatrist and the rest as Patients. The assigned player leaves the room while the Game Leader instructs other players to display a unique symptom, such as pretending there's a smell in the room. The other players maintain the same symptom throughout the round. The assigned player returns, freely questioning the other players to diagnose the shared symptom. Patients must answer truthfully; intentional misleading is corrected by the Game Leader. The round ends when the assigned player accurately diagnoses or gives up. Another Psychiatrist is chosen for the next round, and the game continues until everyone has had a turn or time runs out.

Simon Says
One person is "Simon" and gives commands to the other players. They must only follow the commands if "Simon says" before the command.

Find your friend
You'll need blindfolds, a spoon, some pudding (or other semi-gelatinous treat) and possibly some protective gear for this messy game. Have your group split into partners and instruct one partner to sit in a chair while the other stands up, blindfolded. Then instruct the blindfolded partner to attempt to spoon feed the partner the pudding. The seated partner can give direction but can't touch the blindfolded partner at any time. Whichever duo has the least pudding left in their cup after one minute wins.

Draw It
Team game. A player from each team must draw something while the rest of the team tries to guess.

Crab Soccer Group
"We're playing Crab Soccer! It follows soccer rules, but with players sitting on the ground, using both hands and feet to move. Teams defend their sides, freely entering the opponent's area. The ball starts in the center, and only one player defends each goal at a time. Multiple players near the goal without the ball receive a warning; further violations give the offensive team a point. Offensive players near the goal without the ball have restrictions. Each goal earns a point, and the first team to reach a set number (e.g., 10) wins. After a goal, players can stand up, return to their side, and sit down again."

The goal of this game is for guests to do the opposite of what they are told. When you say, “put your right foot out,” they put their left foot out. When you say, "look up," they look down. However, if they do what you say, they will be out of the game. The last one left wins and is crowned the "little rebel!

Zip or Bong
Zip or Bong is a fast-paced, attention-focused game where players form a circle and pass the turn using the words "Zip" or "Bong." The direction of the turn is determined by the word used. Players must respond quickly to keep the game moving, with any hesitation or mistake leading to elimination. The game continues until one player remains.