Two teams are given a challenge (carry a weight or something) and are on an oval course. On "go", they begin chasing each other around the track. First team to catch up to the other team wins.

Tear down castles
The participants are divided into two teams and separate pieces of wood are placed on the attack line of each of the groups (as many as they wish). The first team to knock down all the wood wins a point. Players cannot face the wood.

Slack Rope Tug of War
Two players stand on a support, chair or pedestal. They are both holding a length of rope that is longer than the distance they are apart, so that there is slack. Players must try to pull the rope strategically to knock the other player off-balance so they fall.

Nuzzle Waaaa??
(From James Corden's show. Search Youtube for vids) Team vs Team challenge where blindfolded players have to face off and race to identify an item first by nuzzling it using only their faces. Examples from show include cotton candy, a turtle, football helmet, a snake, etc

Make a Word
Multiple teams. Scatter letters all over a given area (can be written on paper, Scrabble pieces, etc.). On "go", players from each team race one at a time to collect letters within the time limit. Must retrieve a letter then bring it back and the next player runs. After the collecting time is up, teams must use their collected letters to form a word or words (depending on the game format). Most or longest word wins.

The Guide
In one variant of the game, one person wears a blindfold while another player guides them to reach a goal, carefully avoiding obstacles along the way. Another exciting variant requires the blindfolded player to find certain objects arranged in different places and take them back to the starting point. For an added twist, you can line up multiple blindfolded players, each holding the shoulders of the person in front. The last player in the row, who does not wear a blindfold, guides the entire group through the course.

Start with a large collection of paired objects. Objects are arranged into a grid and covered with something (bucket, basket, etc.). Players take turns uncovering two items. If they match, player earns a point and player takes another turn. If not, player must cover up both items again. Player who make the most matches win.

Liquorice Eating Contest
In the game Liquorice Eating Contest, we divide players into teams. Relay race to have teams eat liquorice without using their hands.

Cheerleader Rock Paper Scissors
Rock Paper Scissors tournament with winner decided by best of 3 matches. Losers become cheerleaders for the players who beat them. They continue to follow them and cheer at all matches until the final winner is determined.

Standing on Chairs Relay Race
Make a starting line and a finish line. Teams must move from the start to the finish and back. They are only allowed to stand on chairs, and cannot touch the floor. Teams are given one more chair than they have team members that they can use to move.

Dots and Boxes
Start with a large, even grid of dots. Players take turns drawing a line from one dot to a horizontally or vertically adjacent dot. Count one point to players who complete a box when they draw their line. Player with most point once there are no moves remaining wins the game.

Write a Poem
Write a poem. Best poem wins.