Lip Sync Battle
Each person chooses a song to perform. The person should lip sync and dance to the song.

There is one person (Chooser ) who thinks of a word and reveals the first letter. Then one participant thinks of a word and tries to describes it in a way that the Chooser does not understand it. If another participant understands the word that is described he/she says CONTACT and then says the word aloud on the count of three. If they say the same word, the Chooser reveals another letter in the word. if not, the participants have to try again with another word. Once the Chooser has revealed the second letter, participants have to try to describe a word that has those two letters in it.

Awkward Situations
Everyone starts standing up. Read through a list of awkward situations that could happen to anyone. Participants sit down if they have not experienced this. The last one standing is the lucky winner (and the most awkward as well).

Snowball Fight
Each person writes 2-3 facts about themselves on a regular sheet on white paper. Everyone crumples the paper into "snowballs" and has a snowball fight for 30-60 seconds while music plays. When the music stops, everyone grabs the "snowball" closest to them, opens it up and uses the facts to try to find the person who wrote it. Prizes for first 5-10 who find their person.

The participants form a circle, each with brooms standing in reverse (the top of the stick placed on the ground). The participants must move to the next place by releasing their broom and running to the broom that the participant next to them has just released. He who drops his broom loses, and the circle shrinks. When the number of people in the circle is less than 5, they should stand further away than normal so they should run more and be faster. This accompanied by music.

Sitting Volleyball
String a net (or rope, fabric, etc) across 2 chairs to make a net. Mark boundaries with painters tape. Same rules as volleyball but everyone has to sit cross legged on the ground at all times

The corners
The members hold hands and spin as fast as possible counting: 10, 20, 30, 40, until they reach 100. When they let go, each of the people had to reach a base that is located several in different places. areas of the space where they play (it is important that each base has a good distance from the others, NOT TOGETHER).There is always one base less than the number of people (for example, if 5 people are playing there must be 4 bases). The remaining one (without base) remains in the center. The game consisted of those on the bases having to exchange them in pairs and whoever was in the center taking advantage of the opportunity to take over a base. Whoever loses the base remains in the center and the situation repeats itself. When one of the people loses their base 3 times, they is eliminated.

Wheelbarrow Relay Race
Make teams. Players take turns pushing each other in a wheelbarrow around a pylon in a relay race.

Clothes-pins on Faces
The team or player that clips the most clothespins to their face(s) wins.

The handkerchief
One person has to be the “boss” and stand in the middle with a handkerchief. The rest are divided into two teams and each one is assigned a number, so that said number is repeated in both groups. Next, the two groups stand at the same distance from the leader but in opposite places. The boss will say a number out loud and the two people with the same number, but team rivals, must run to pick up the handkerchief. Whoever takes it returns to his place, while the other person is eliminated. The first team to run out of players will lose. The more people there are, the more it spreads too.

Find the Item
Have a list of random but relatively normal items for people to find in the audience. Two teams compete against each other to see who can return to the stage with the item the fastest. (e.g. $100 bill, Samsung phone, pink sock, someone over 65 etc.).

Throwing Things
Target practice throwing game but players have to throw random objects