Game Categories
Cost per person
Game duration
Number of players
Min age of players

Floor is made of Lava Obstacle Course

4 - 10000
20 - 30

Teams must get from Point A to Point B without touching the ground. Variations include having the team walk on chairs (1 extra chair for the team to use when moving), using planks of wood, etc.


2 - 10000
20 - 25

Use bow and arrows to try to hit a target


7 - 10000
20 - 30

Players sit in a circle. One player is "it". They walk around the circle patting people on the head say "Duck". When they say "Goose", they race the player who was tagged around the circle. Players run opposite directions. Last one back to the spot is "it" for next round. (Variation: Try with multiple people who are "it")

Arranging Your Team by...

4 - 10000
15 - 30

Teams need to arrange themselves in a specific order (age, birthday, etc.). Throw in an extra complication (they are standing on chairs and can't touch the ground, they are blindfolded, etc.)

Grouped by Numbers

20 - 10000
20 - 30

In an open space, a large group moves around. The game leader shouts out a number, and everyone must quickly form groups of that size. Anyone who can't find a group gets eliminated. The game continues until only a few players remain.

Recognizing Country Flags

2 - 10000
10 - 20

Show various country flags and teams must correctly answer the name of the country

Holding 2L Water Bottles

2 - 10000
5 - 15

Players must hold two 2L bottles full of water outstretched and not let their arm fall. A judge can determine if the player is not holding the bottles high enough.

The Price is Right

3 - 15
30 - 60

Buy a random collection of items (toothpaste, batteries, etc.). Have contestants guess the price. Closest correct guess that is under the actual amount wins. Guesses that are over the correct amount cannot win.


4 - 10000
60 - 120

Teams use the resources available to make their own catapult within a time limit. Team that shoots a ball the farthest wins.

Trivia with Punishments for Wrong Answers

2 - 10000
20 - 30

Team trivia game where getting a wrong answer results in increasingly difficult "punishments" (start with 5 push ups, then 10, then running to somewhere and back, etc.)

Pea Pipes

16 - 10000
15 - 30

Pea Pipes, Simple relay structure for this game. 4 teams line up at one end. Place a bowl of peas (or whatever you are using) at the other end. The first player from each team has to run to the other end and pick up a pea by sucking it on the end of the straw. Then they must carry it back to their team. If the pea falls off while they are returning, they must pick it up again (with the straw) and continue back. To win, a team must get all of it's players to bring back 1 pea each.

Tangled chain

5 - 10000
5 - 10

Get everyone to huddle in a group in the middle of the room and join each hand with someone across the circle. Once everyone has joined hands, let them know their task is now to untangle themselves. To make the game interesting, make sure there are some chaotic hand joins going on - get players to weave their hands up and over other arms. This ice breaker game can work really well as a team competition - split the group into a few different even-sized teams and get each group to tangle themselves then make it a race to get completely untangled. It might help to have a leader watching each team so there is no cheating going on!