Game Categories
Cost per person
Game duration
Number of players
Min age of players

Dragon Tail

8 - 10000
20 - 40

In the game, players form groups of five, linking arms to create a "Dragon." The "Dragon Head" leads, and the "Tail" is a ribbon attached to the last person. The objective is to capture the enemy's "Tail" by pulling it off. Only players other than the "Dragon Head" can capture the tail. When successful, the last person is removed, and the tail is reattached to the next player. Meanwhile, other "Dragons" can continue moving and attacking. The game ends when an opponent's "Dragon" is reduced to only the "Dragon Head," with the winning team declared. Breaking the arm link immobilizes the segment, emphasizing the need for careful movement. The game continues until only one "Dragon" remains with the "Dragon Head" as the sole survivor.

Blind Artists

2 - 10000
15 - 30

Tell everyone what they are supposed to draw. Turn the lights off so it is completely dark. After a few minutes, turn the lights on a judge who is the winner.


4 - 20
7 - 15

Located in 4 corners and in front of each cone, four groups with several participants at the signal of the "boss" will pull the rope to reach their cone. The first to achieve it wins. Make sure it is not a rope that cuts your hands. Or do have measurements like gloves, etc.

The IT Game

6 - 10000
20 - 30

The IT Game is a game where all participants put their non preferred hand on their head. Then, everyone has to run around in a specific area and get other people out by touching their elbows.

Giant Knot

10 - 10000
10 - 20

Make teams. Teams stand in a circle and join hands randomly with two different team members across the circle to form a giant knot. On "Go!", teams must unwind so that they are a circle again. Players are not allowing to let go of hands.

Name Bingo

3 - 10000
30 - 40

You will need to create a bingo grid 4 x 4 or 5 x 5 of personal statements i.e. who has long hair, has more than 5 siblings etc. Hand off these bingo sheets to the participants with a pen and send them to mingle with folk. Each player can only use another person once on their sheet. The game can either finish when someone collects a name for the entire grid. Alternatively, the game can continue and bingo can be played after everyone has completed their grids. So a leader would start calling the groups, and the participants can strike them off. The first to get 4 in a row wins.


2 - 10
15 - 20

Players take turns playing cards from their hand that match the color or number of the card on top of the discard pile. The first player who gets rid of all their cards wins.

Shoe talk

6 - 10000
20 - 30

Needs two groups, each group lines in on the opposite side of the hall/room. Get each person to take of one shoe and make of pile of their teams shoes. Get each person from one team to come and select a random shoe from the other team´s pile and the find the person to whom thee shoe belongs. Once they have found their match, have a question ready for them. Get the other team to do the same.


6 - 22
40 - 60

Similar to baseball, but players kick a ball instead of hitting it with a bat. The goal is to run around the bases and score points for your team.

Three-Legged Race

4 - 10000
5 - 10

Players pair up and tie one leg to their partner's leg. They then race to the finish line, hopping together.

Who is In Charge Here

5 - 10000
15 - 20

In this game, most players stand in a circle and mimic the changing actions of a predetermined leader while another player in the center attempts to guess who's in charge.

Seated Basketball

6 - 10
15 - 30

Make two teams. Everyone can place a chair somewhere on the basketball court and cannot move until the round is over. Play basketball, either into hoops or into a basket on the floor.

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