Game Categories
Cost per person
Game duration
Number of players
Min age of players

The Chameleon Game

3 - 6
50 - 60

The Chameleon Game is a social deduction game where players must figure out who the "chameleon" is based on their answers to a series of questions. Players sit in a circle or around a table. Each player is given a card that contains a list of related words or prompts, except for the chameleon, who receives a card with no information other than the word "chameleon." The game consists of several rounds. In each round, one player is selected to be the moderator, who poses a question or gives a prompt related to the words or themes listed on the players' cards. Each player, including the chameleon, takes turns giving a response to the question or prompt. The chameleon's challenge is to blend in with the other players' responses without revealing their lack of knowledge about the secret word or theme. After all players have given their responses, players discuss among themselves and vote on who they believe the chameleon is. If the majority of players correctly identify the chameleon, they win the round. If the chameleon successfully avoids detection, they win the round instead.

Throwing Rocks to hit a Can on a string

6 - 10000
10 - 20

Strings are tied on the cans. Have teams line up a short distance away and throw rocks at the cans. One point is given every time a can is hit. Have teams rotate through their team members after every throw. For added level of difficulty, team members must throw with their opposite hand.

Water Pipes

6 - 10000
20 - 30

Teams build and hold a system of pipes so that water poured into one end can flow into a bucket on the other.

King Solomon's Mines

4 - 50
60 - 90

Divide into small teams. Each team is in one of four categories. Teams complete small and simple stations to earn money. Money is used at a central bazaar to purchase items. During the game, teams can "challenge" teams in other categories to steal their money whenever they are away from the bazaar. Bombers also walk around and can latch onto a team by touching a team member. Teams get rid of bombers by touching a different team. Bombers "blow up" after a certain amount of time, and the team loses all their money. End the game with a story, where teams need items that were purchased at the bazaar. The team that lasts the longest in the story (i.e. had the right items) wins.

Questions You Shouldn't Know the Answer To

2 - 10000
30 - 60

Divide into Girls and Boys teams. Alternative with trivia questions: Ask the girls questions that only boys would know the answer to, and ask the boys the questions that only girls would know the answer to.

Going up or Going down

4 - 20
15 - 30

This team-building activity starts by splitting participants into pairs. Each pair stands back-to-back with hands raised and attempts to sit on the floor without falling. Once seated, they must stand back up, still with hands in the air. This exercise encourages teamwork and coordination. After successfully completing the task, teams are shuffled and expanded to groups of three, repeating the same sit-and-stand process. Following this, groups are further increased to four members, continuing the challenge. This versatile game is effective for groups of various sizes, ranging from four to twenty participants, making it an excellent icebreaker. It fosters collaboration, communication, and trust among participants, setting a positive tone for any group activity or event.

Ticket to Journeyland

6 - 50
60 - 90

Divide into small teams. Teams compete at stations to win money. Object of the game is to buy as many plane tickets to Journeyland for their team as possible. Plane Tickets can be purchased from a central location. Ticket prices change throughout the game randomly, but tend to cost more as the game goes on. Second factor of the game is the "Mission Collection", where teams are encouraged to donate but are not told anything more about this. Extra tickets can be awarded at the end of the game based on how much teams have donated to the Mission Collection (can also have a raffle where teams have a certain number of tickets in the raffle depending on how much they have given to the Mission Collection). Mission Collection must be closed before the end of the game to prevent teams from dumping all their leftover cash. Name teams after fellowships that need to fly to Journeyland cause that's fun.

Cutting Wood

6 - 14
10 - 20

Teams alternate through their players to cut a large piece of wood


6 - 20
15 - 20

All players stand in a large circle. One player is chosen as the detective. Detective leaves the circle as the rest of the players decide who the murderer will be. Detective rejoins the circle. Everyone in the circle can carry on having discussions, etc. If the player has the murderer wink at them, they die (and can do so dramatically for effect). Detective must identify who the murderer is within 3 guesses.

Soccer Target Shooting

4 - 10000
5 - 10

Section off a small corner on the bottom and top of a soccer net. Teams must alternate between team members, trying to kick a ball through the target. Award points for kicking the ball through target, with extra points for kicking through the top target.

Scissor Cutting

2 - 20
10 - 30

Draw a track on a piece of paper. Give contestants scissors and they race to cut out that track.


2 - 10
30 - 90

A variation of baseball played with a plastic ball and a bat, where players try to hit the ball and run around bases to score points.