Two Rooms and a Boom!
Two Rooms and Boom! is a social deduction game where players are divided into two rooms, and a "bomber" must be found before time runs out. Players are divided into two groups, with each group assigned a different room. One room represents the Red Team, while the other represents the Blue Team. Each player is secretly assigned a role card, which indicates their team affiliation and role within the game. Roles may include members of the Red Team, members of the Blue Team, and special roles such as the President, the Bomber, and various other characters with unique abilities. The President is revealed in each room, while the Bomber remains hidden. The objective of the Red Team is to keep their President safe, while the Blue Team's goal is to find and identify the Bomber before time runs out. The game is played in a series of rounds, with each round consisting of a negotiation phase and an action phase. During the negotiation phase, players within each room interact, exchange information, and make deals to try to achieve their team's objectives. Players may share their roles, form alliances, bluff, and strategize to gain information about other players' roles. After the negotiation phase, players vote on which players to send to the other room during the action phase. The goal is to gather information and potentially swap players to gain an advantage or disrupt the opposing team's plans. Throughout the game, players must carefully consider the information they receive, the actions of other players, and the timing of their decisions to achieve their team's goals. The game ends when the timer runs out, at which point the players reveal their roles and determine the outcome based on the success or failure of their team's objectives.

Birdie on a Perch
Players should pair off into partners (girls with girls and guys with guys is usually better). One player will be the birdie and the other will be the perch. All of the perches make a circle and walk counter-clockwise. While all of the birdies make a larger circle around the perches and walk clockwise. After a few seconds call out "Birdie on a Perch!" and the partners must find each other and the birdie must jump onto the back of the perch. The last pair to find each other is out. Continue until there is only one pair left. For a bit of your own entertainment, call out different walks for the players to do. Such as: walk like a bird, a ballerina, run way model, ninja, etc.

Guess the Movie
Each player writes down the name of a movie on a piece of paper and places it in a bowl. Players take turns drawing a movie title out of a bowl and acting out a scene from that movie while the others try to guess what is the name of the movie.

Freeze Dance
Freeze Dance is dance game where a song is played and have everyone has to dance, but when the music stops, everyone must freeze in place. Those who don't freeze in time are out, and the last person dancing wins. Alternatively, you can also play a Freeze dance YouTube video and copy the dance moves shown in that video. One person can be assigned responsibility to start and stop the music. When the music stops, everyone must freeze. If anyone moves after the music has stopped, then the person is eliminated. Game ends, when there is only one player remaining.

20 Questions
One person thinks of an object, and the others have 20 questions to guess what it is. Everyone ask the person a series of questions to which he or she can answer with a 'yes' or 'no.

The Drawing Game
One person describes an object, and everyone else draws what they think it looks like based on the description. The person who described the object then reveals the actual object, and the group compares their drawings to see who came closest.

Circle Untangle
"Everyone stands in a big circle and then grabs onto two different peoples hands (not the people standing on either side of them). Once everyone is holding onto two other peoples hands then the aim is to work together to untangle the circle. Depending on how many people you have this can take a long time or can be completed very quickly."

Pass packet memory
Pass the package = the package (a prize/gift) is passed around the circle and when the music stops, the person left holding the package unwraps a cape. In each layer there is a word from a sentence, which they have to memorize to put them together at the end of the game and discover the hidden phrase. Continue doing this until the end of the packet.

Poison Pole
You have a pole (a broom will suffice) and you place the pole on a stool. Everyone needs to gather around the pole and hold hands. The aim is to try and get OTHER people to knock the pole off the stool. You do that by pulling people around you and trying to have them hit the pole. If a person knocks the pole off the stool, they are out. If two people let go of each other, they both are out unless one was about to hit the pole and panicked by letting go, then that person is out.

A reverse hide-and-seek game where one person hides and everyone else seeks. When a seeker finds the hider, they hide with them until everyone is squished into the hiding spot, like sardines in a can.

The Memory Game
One person starts by saying "I went to the store and bought..." and names an item. The next person repeats the first item and adds a second item. Each person must remember all the items mentioned before their turn and add a new one. The round ends when the player fails to list an item in the correct order

Telephone Whisper
1. Get players to sit in a circle facing inwards. 2. Pick a player to start. Tell this player to come up with a sentence or phrase and then whisper (or "pass it on") to the person next to them. 3. They must only whisper it once, even if the player next to them asks to hear it again. 4. Each player will then whisper it to the next player around the circle. 5. When the final player receives the whisper they must say what they heard out loud to the whole group. The starting player can then say what the initial phrase was and the group can marvel out how well they did in keeping the phrase correct, or laugh at how much it changed!