Pea Pipes


Min players:
Max players:
Required age:
Average cost:
Game duration(Mins):
15 - 30
- Description
- How to play?
Pea Pipes, Simple relay structure for this game. 4 teams line up at one end. Place a bowl of peas (or whatever you are using) at the other end. The first player from each team has to run to the other end and pick up a pea by sucking it on the end of the straw. Then they must carry it back to their team. If the pea falls off while they are returning, they must pick it up again (with the straw) and continue back. To win, a team must get all of it’s players to bring back 1 pea each.
To be the first team to have all members successfully transfer a pea from one end of the play area to the other using only a straw.
- Teams: Divide the players into 4 equal teams.
- Play Area: Mark a starting line at one end and place a bowl of peas (or alternative small items) at the other end.
- Straws: Provide each player with a straw.
Game Rules
- Starting Position: All teams line up at the starting line.
- Gameplay:
- The first player from each team runs to the bowl at the opposite end.
- They must pick up a pea by sucking it onto the end of the straw.
- Once they have a pea, they run back to their team, keeping the pea on the straw.
- If the pea falls off, the player must stop, pick it up again using the straw, and continue.
- Tagging:
- Upon reaching the starting line, the player tags the next teammate who then repeats the process.
- Winning:
- The first team to have all members successfully bring a pea back wins.
Tips for Success
- Keep the suction steady to prevent the pea from falling.
- Practice running with the pea on the straw before the game starts.
- Encourage teamwork and strategy discussion within teams.
Required Items
- Bowl of peas (or alternative small items)
- Straws (one per player)
Safety Notes
- Ensure the play area is clear of obstacles to prevent tripping.
- Supervise younger players to avoid choking hazards with small items.