Seven Stones

Item needed:

  1. Seven stones or tiles or items that can be stacked easily
  2. Soft ball

Min players:


Max players:


Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

20 - 25
There are 2 teams. One team is the attacking team and other is the defending team. The goal of Seven Stones for the attacking team is to knock down a stack of stones using a ball and then rebuild the stack. While the opposing team tries to prevent it using the same ball by throwing it at the opposite teams players. If the ball hits the player, he is out. If the first team manages to rebuild the stack, they win. The teams have alternate chances of being the attacking team.

Game Overview

Seven Stones is an engaging team-based game where two teams compete in a battle of offense and defense. The attacking team aims to knock down and rebuild a stack of stones, while the defending team tries to prevent them using strategic ball throws.

Game Setup

Materials Needed:

  • Seven Stones: Small objects suitable for stacking, such as stones or similar items.
  • Ball: A soft ball that can be thrown safely.
  • Playing Area: A spacious area free from obstacles where the game can be played safely.

Gameplay Rules

  1. Forming Teams: Divide players into two teams: the attacking team and the defending team. Each team takes turns playing both roles.
  2. Setting Up the Stones: The defending team arranges the seven stones in a stack at a designated spot within their territory. This stack represents the target for the attacking team.
  3. Start of Play: The attacking team starts with the ball. Their goal is to knock down the stack of stones using the ball and then rebuild it.
  4. Attacking Team’s Objective:
    • The attacking team members take turns throwing the ball at the stack of stones to knock it down.
    • Once the stack is knocked down, the attacking team must quickly rebuild it to its original form.
    • If they successfully rebuild the stack before the defending team eliminates all attacking players, they win the round.
  5. Defending Team’s Objective:
    • They can also eliminate attacking players by hitting them with the ball. Any player hit by the ball is considered out for the remainder of the round.
    • If the defending team eliminates all attacking players before they rebuild the stack, they win the round.
  6. Switching Roles: After each round, the teams switch roles, with the defending team becoming the attacking team and vice versa. This ensures equal opportunities for both teams.
  7. Winning the Game: The game continues with alternate rounds until one team successfully rebuilds the stack of stones while the opposing team fails to eliminate all attacking players. The team that achieves this goal wins the game.

Additional Guidelines

  • Fair Play: Encourage fair play and good sportsmanship among all participants. Emphasize the importance of teamwork, communication, and strategic thinking.
  • Safety First: Ensure that players handle the ball safely and avoid throwing it at close range. Remind everyone to be mindful of their surroundings to prevent accidents during the game.
  • Game Variation: Depending on the available space and number of players, you can adjust the size of the playing area or the number of stones in the stack to suit the group’s preferences.


Seven Stones offers an exciting blend of strategy, coordination, and teamwork, making it an ideal game for groups of friends or teams looking for competitive fun. Get ready to strategize, aim, and rebuild as you engage in this thrilling battle of offense and defense!