Sing Songs with Certain Words in Them
Item needed:
- Songs
- Speakers

Min players:
Max players:
Required age:
Average cost:
Game duration(Mins):
- Description
- How to play?
Game Overview
“Sing Songs with Certain Words in Them” is a lively musical game that challenges players’ knowledge of songs and lyrics. Teams receive a word and must sing songs containing that word. You can play with a minimum of 2 players, and there’s no upper limit, making it ideal for parties, gatherings, or family nights. Suitable for ages 8 and up, this game guarantees hours of fun and laughter.
Game Rules
The goal is to sing as many songs as possible that include the given word within a set time limit. The team with the most valid songs at the end wins.
- Form Teams: Split the players into teams, with at least 2 players each.
- Prepare Word Cards: Make a stack of word cards, each bearing a single word. Choose common or challenging words based on the desired difficulty.
- Choose a Judge: Pick one player to act as the judge. The judge will draw word cards, keep time, and check the songs.
How to Play
- Start the Game: The judge draws a word card and announces the word to all teams.
- Sing a Song: Teams take turns to sing a song that includes the given word in its lyrics. They must sing at least one full line that contains the word to count.
- Verification: The judge checks if the team has correctly included the word in the song. If the word is missing or the song is incorrect, the team loses their turn.
- Next Team: If a team successfully sings a valid song, they earn a point. The judge then reveals a new word for the next round.
- Repeat: Keep repeating this process. The judge continues drawing new word cards, and teams take turns singing.
- Each valid song earns the team 1 point.
- A team scores 0 points for the round if they fail to provide a valid song.
- The judge may award a bonus point for especially creative or impressive performances.
Winning the Game
Play for a pre-determined number of rounds or until a set time limit is up. The team with the highest score at the end wins.
Additional Rules
- Time Limit: Teams have a maximum of 30 seconds to start singing once the judge announces the word.
- Challenges: Teams can challenge the judge’s decision in case of a dispute. However, the judge’s decision is final.
- Pass Option: Each team can pass on one word per game if they can’t think of a song.
Game Variations
- Solo Play: Players take turns individually to sing songs with the given words.
- Speed Round: Reduce the time limit to 15 seconds to increase the challenge.
- Themed Rounds: Choose words that relate to a specific theme, like holidays, movies, or music genres.
Game Setup and Materials
- A stack of word cards.
- A timer or stopwatch.
- Pen and paper for scorekeeping.
Average Cost per Player
This game requires minimal materials and uses items you likely already have at home, making it an affordable and enjoyable activity for all ages.
Enjoy playing “Sing Songs with Certain Words in Them” and let the music enhance your gatherings!