The corners

Item needed:


Min players:


Max players:

Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

10 - 15
The members hold hands and spin as fast as possible counting: 10, 20, 30, 40, until they reach 100. When they let go, each of the people had to reach a base that is located several in different places. areas of the space where they play (it is important that each base has a good distance from the others, NOT TOGETHER).There is always one base less than the number of people (for example, if 5 people are playing there must be 4 bases). The remaining one (without base) remains in the center. The game consisted of those on the bases having to exchange them in pairs and whoever was in the center taking advantage of the opportunity to take over a base. Whoever loses the base remains in the center and the situation repeats itself. When one of the people loses their base 3 times, they is eliminated.

The corners : Objective

The goal of the game is to move between bases while avoiding being left without a base. The player left without a base after three times is eliminated. The last player standing wins.

Game Setup


  • Minimum players: 5
  • Maximum players: Unlimited
  • Age requirement: 10 and above

Materials Needed

  • Hula hoops (one less than the number of players)

Game Duration

  • Approximately 15 minutes


  • $2.25 per person

How to Play

Initial Setup

  1. Prepare the Bases: Place hula hoops in different areas of the playing space. Ensure that each hula hoop (base) is well spaced apart and not close to any other base. There should be one less hula hoop than the number of players.
  2. Form a Circle: All players hold hands and form a circle in the middle of the playing area.

Starting the Game

  1. Spin and Count: Players holding hands start to spin in a circle while counting out loud by tens: “10, 20, 30, 40…” until they reach 100.
  2. Release and Run: At the count of 100, players let go of each other’s hands and run to occupy a hula hoop base.

Game Play

  1. Remaining Player: The player who is left without a base stays in the center of the playing area.
  2. Base Exchange: Players standing on the bases must exchange places with another player. They must do this in pairs.
  3. Opportunity for the Center Player: The player in the center must try to take over a base when players are exchanging them.
  4. Outcome:
    • If the center player successfully takes a base, the player left without a base moves to the center.
    • If the center player fails to take a base, they remain in the center for the next round.


  1. Three Losses: A player who ends up in the center three times is eliminated from the game.
  2. Continue Playing: The game continues until all players but one have been eliminated.

Winning the Game

  • The game ends when only one player remains. This player is declared the winner.

Rules and Tips

  • Safety: Ensure the playing area is free of obstacles to prevent injuries while running.
  • Fair Play: Players must exchange bases fairly and cannot block the center player intentionally.
  • Quick Movements: Quick reflexes and strategic movements are key to staying in the game.
  • Rotating Bases: Players should move quickly but safely to new bases.


  • Multiple Center Players: For larger groups, you can have more than one player in the center.
  • Different Counting: Change the counting sequence to make the game more challenging (e.g., counting by fives or twos).

Enjoy playing “The Corners” and may the best and fastest player win!