The handkerchief
Item needed:


Min players:
Max players:
Required age:
Average cost:
Game duration(Mins):
20 - 25
- Description
- How to play?
One person has to be the “boss” and stand in the middle with a handkerchief. The rest are divided into two teams and each one is assigned a number, so that said number is repeated in both groups. Next, the two groups stand at the same distance from the leader but in opposite places. The boss will say a number out loud and the two people with the same number, but team rivals, must run to pick up the handkerchief. Whoever takes it returns to his place, while the other person is eliminated. The first team to run out of players will lose. The more people there are, the more it spreads too.
Players race to retrieve the handkerchief and return to their team without getting tagged. The first team to eliminate all players of the opposing team wins.
Game Setup
- Minimum players: 11
- Maximum players: Unlimited
- Age requirement: 9 and above
Materials Needed
- 1 handkerchief
Game Duration
- Approximately 25 minutes
- $0.50 per person
How to Play
Initial Setup
- Choose a Boss: Select one player to be the “boss” who stands in the middle of the playing area holding the handkerchief.
- Form Teams: Divide the remaining players into two equal teams. If there is an odd number of players, one team will have an extra player without a corresponding number in the other team.
- Assign Numbers: Assign each player a number, ensuring that both teams have the same numbers. For example, if each team has five players, number them 1 through 5.
- Teams’ Positions: Stand the two teams at an equal distance from the boss on opposite sides.
- Ready Position: Ensure players stand behind a designated line for fair play.
Game Play
- Calling a Number: The boss calls out a number loudly.
- Race to the Handkerchief: Players from each team with that number run towards the boss to grab the handkerchief.
- Retrieve the Item: The player who grabs the handkerchief must run back to their team without getting tagged by the rival player.
- Tagging: The rival player tries to tag the player with the handkerchief before they reach their team.
- If the player with the handkerchief returns safely, eliminate the rival player.
- If the rival player tags the player with the handkerchief, eliminate the player with the item.
Winning the Game
- Continue Playing: The boss keeps calling different numbers.
- Eliminated Players: Players who are eliminated leave the playing area.
- End of Game: The game ends when one team has no players left.
- Winning Team: The team with remaining players wins the game.
Rules and Tips
- Fair Play: Ensure all players start from behind the designated line.
- Rotation of Boss: Rotate the boss role if playing multiple rounds to keep the game fair and interesting.
- Team Strategies: Teams can strategize on how to protect their players and tag opponents effectively.
- Safety: Ensure the playing area is safe and free of obstacles to avoid injuries during the race.
- Multiple Handkerchiefs: For larger groups, use multiple handkerchiefs and call out several numbers at once.
- Time Limits: Set a time limit for each round to keep the game moving quickly.
Enjoy playing “The Handkerchief” and may the fastest and most strategic team win!