The Resistance
Item needed:


Min players:
Max players:
Required age:
Average cost:
Game duration(Mins):
40 - 60
- Description
- How to play?
A game of social deduction where players are divided into two teams, the Resistance and the Spies. The Resistance’s goal is to complete missions, while the Spies’ goal is to sabotage the missions.
Game Overview
The Resistance is a thrilling game of social deduction where players are divided into two teams: the Resistance and the Spies. The Resistance aims to successfully complete missions, while the Spies work secretly to sabotage them. The game challenges players’ abilities to deceive and detect deception.
- Resistance: Successfully complete three missions.
- Spies: Sabotage three missions.
- Players: 5-10 players.
- Minimum Age: 13+ years.
- Roles:
- Resistance Members
- Spies
- Components:
- Role cards
- Mission cards
- Voting tokens
- Mission tracking board
- Team tokens
- Score markers
Preparing the Game
- Assign Roles:
- Shuffle the role cards and deal one to each player. Players secretly look at their role card.
- The number of Spies varies depending on the number of players:
- 5-6 players: 2 Spies
- 7-8 players: 3 Spies
- 9-10 players: 4 Spies
- Reveal Spies:
- All players close their eyes.
- The Spies open their eyes and look at each other to know who their fellow Spies are.
- The Spies then close their eyes again.
- Select Leader:
- Choose a player to be the first Leader. The Leader role rotates clockwise after each round.
How to Play
Game Rounds
The game consists of several rounds, each containing the following phases:
- Team Building Phase:
- The Leader selects a team for the mission.
- The number of team members needed for each mission varies by round and player count.
- The Leader announces their proposed team.
- Voting Phase:
- All players (including the Leader) vote on the proposed team using their voting tokens (Approve or Reject).
- The team is approved if it receives more Approve votes than Reject votes.
- If the team is rejected, the Leader role passes to the next player, and a new team is proposed.
- If five consecutive teams are rejected, the Spies win the game.
- Mission Phase:
- If the team is approved, the selected team members proceed to the mission.
- Each team member secretly submits a Mission card (Success or Fail).
- Resistance members must submit a Success card.
- Spies can submit either a Success or Fail card.
- The submitted cards are shuffled and revealed:
- If all cards are Success, the mission succeeds.
- If one or more Fail cards are revealed, the mission fails.
- Mission Outcome:
- Place a score marker on the Mission tracking board to indicate the mission outcome (Success or Fail).
- The game continues with the next Leader proposing a new team for the next mission.
Winning the Game
- The Resistance wins if they successfully complete three missions.
- The Spies win if they sabotage three missions or if five consecutive teams are rejected during the voting phase.
Strategy Tips
- For Resistance Members:
- Pay attention to players’ voting patterns and arguments.
- Trust your instincts but be cautious of deceit.
- For Spies:
- Blend in and act like a Resistance member.
- Coordinate with fellow Spies subtly to avoid detection.