The resort
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- Description
- How to play?
“The Resort” is a fun and engaging game that combines physical activity with rhythmic coordination. Players jump and move in various patterns using an elastic band held between two players’ ankles. This game is perfect for small groups and can be played both indoors and outdoors.
The objective of “The Resort” is to successfully complete a series of jumps and exercises involving an elastic band without making mistakes. As the game progresses, the difficulty increases by raising the height of the elastic band.
Game Setup
- Elastic Band: Ensure you have a long, sturdy elastic band. The length should be enough to create a large loop that fits around the ankles of two players with some space in between.
- Player Arrangement: Select two players to hold the elastic band around their ankles. These players stand facing each other with their feet apart, creating a rectangular space with the elastic.
- Height Levels: Determine the starting height for the elastic band (e.g., around ankle height). Prepare for higher levels by deciding how you will progressively raise the elastic (e.g., to knees, thighs, and hips).
Rules and Gameplay
- Starting the Game:
- Choose a player to start the jumping sequence.
- The jumper stands at one side of the elastic band.
- Basic Jumps:
- The jumper must perform a series of jumps in and out of the elastic band, following a chosen pattern or song.
- Common patterns include:
- Basic Jump: Jump with both feet inside and then outside the elastic.
- Crisscross: Jump with legs crossing over the elastic and then back.
- Side Jump: Jump to the left and right sides of the elastic.
- Increasing Difficulty:
- After successfully completing a pattern, the height of the elastic band is raised to the next level.
- The jumper continues the same pattern at the new height.
- If the jumper fails to complete the pattern, they switch places with one of the players holding the elastic, and the next player takes a turn.
- Winning the Game:
- The game continues until all players have had a turn, or the time limit is reached.
- The player who successfully completes the most patterns at the highest levels is declared the winner.
- Songs and Rhymes: Incorporate traditional songs or create your own to add rhythm and fun to the jumps.
- Team Play: Divide players into teams. Each team member takes turns jumping, and the team with the most successful jumps wins.
Safety Tips
- Ensure the elastic band is not too tight to avoid injury.
- Play on a soft surface to cushion jumps.
- Monitor players to prevent overexertion, especially as the height of the elastic increases.
“The Resort” is an entertaining and dynamic game that promotes physical coordination, teamwork, and creativity. Gather your friends, grab an elastic band, and enjoy the fun challenges of this lively game!