"The shoe from behind"

Item needed:

  1. Shoe

Min players:


Max players:

Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

10 - 15
The “shoe from behind”, among all those who want to play, a draw is drawn to determine who gets the shoe. One comes out and keeps the shoe and the rest, holding hands, form a circle on the floor while sitting. The one who has the shoe begins to go around the circle and sing this song (or another similar one): “To the shoe from behind, tris-tras. You don’t see it nor will you see it, tris-tras. Look up, beans are falling. Look down, chickpeas are falling. “Go to sleep, go to sleep, the Three Wise Men are coming!” When the song ends everyone must close their eyes and count to a number, ten for example. The person wearing the shoe must leave it in the back for someone. After a few seconds they open their eyes and check who left the shoe. The one who has it must grab it and run after the person who left the shoe to try to touch him with the shoe. If at 3 o’clock (or as many laps as agreed upon) he cannot catch it, he loses. Then he will be the one to start the game again.

Game Overview

Play The Shoe from Behind, a lively circle game that combines singing, quick thinking, and fast reflexes. Sit in a circle, passing a shoe around while singing a catchy tune. Feel the suspense as you try to avoid being caught with the shoe, all while enjoying the playful atmosphere.

Game Objective

Avoid getting caught with the shoe when the music stops. Use your agility and wits to pass the shoe to someone else without getting caught.

Game Setup

Drawing Lots

Draw lots among all players who wish to participate to determine who starts with the shoe.

Forming the Circle

Sit in a circle on the floor, holding hands to form a complete circle.

Selecting the Shoe Holder

The player who draws the lot and receives the shoe starts the game.

Gameplay Rules

Passing the Shoe and Singing

Stand up with the shoe and begin to walk around the circle, singing the designated song or a similar one. The song lyrics are:

To the shoe from behind, tris-tras.
You don’t see it nor will you see it, tris-tras.
Look up, beans are falling.
Look down, chickpeas are falling.
Go to sleep, go to sleep, the Three Wise Men are coming!

Stopping the Music

When the song ends, close your eyes and count to a predetermined number (e.g., ten).

Passing the Shoe

While the players count, quickly place the shoe behind someone in the circle without them noticing.

Identifying the Shoe Holder

After counting, open your eyes and check to see who has the shoe. The person with the shoe must grab it and try to touch the person who left it on their back.

Avoiding Capture

If the person with the shoe cannot catch the individual who left it, complete a designated task (e.g., three laps around the circle). If they fail, they lose the round.

Starting a New Round

The person who got caught with the shoe becomes the new shoe holder, and the game continues with a new round.

Game End

Play for about 15 minutes or until you decide to end the game.

Additional Notes

  • Required Age: Suitable for players aged 12 and above.
  • Minimum Players: Ensure at least 8 players to enjoy the game, but there is no maximum limit.
  • Required Items: Use a shoe that is easy to pass around.
  • Cost per Person: No associated cost per person, as the game only requires a shoe and participants’ engagement.
  • Safety Precautions: Make sure the playing area is free from obstacles to prevent accidents.