Treasure Hunt
Item needed:
- Objects to hide ( Chocolate, Candy, Small toys, hints etc.)
- Optional:- Golden prize


Min players:
Max players:
Required age:
Average cost:
Game duration(Mins):
25 - 35
- Description
- How to play?
Hide a bunch of objects in an area for teams to find.
“Treasure Hunt” is a fun and engaging scavenger hunt game where teams must search for hidden objects within a designated area. This game is perfect for players of all ages, starting from 5 years old, and can accommodate any number of players.
The goal of the game is for teams to find as many hidden objects as possible within a specified time limit. The team that finds the most objects wins the game.
Game Setup
- Players: 4 to unlimited.
- Age: Suitable for players aged 5 and up.
- Playing Area: Choose an appropriate area such as a backyard, park, or large indoor space.
- Objects to Hide: Gather a variety of objects to hide. These can be toys, trinkets, or themed items.
- List of Hidden Objects: Create a list of all the objects you have hidden to keep track of them.
- Timer: A timer set to the agreed duration of the game.
How to Play
- Divide into Teams: Split players into two or more teams.
- Explain the Rules: Briefly explain that the objective is to find as many hidden objects as possible within the time limit.
- Hide the Objects: Before the game starts, hide the objects in the designated area. Make sure they are hidden well but are still findable.
- Start the Timer: Set the timer for the duration of the game, typically 15-30 minutes.
- Start the Search: On the signal, teams begin searching for the hidden objects.
- Collect Objects: Each team collects the objects they find and brings them to their designated spot.
- No Interference: Teams should not interfere with each other’s search or take objects from each other.
- Stay Within Boundaries: Players must stay within the designated area while searching.
- Respect the Area: Players should not damage the area or objects while searching.
- Team Effort: Teams should work together and share the found objects.
Winning the Game
The game ends when the timer runs out. The team that finds the most objects within the time limit is declared the winner. If there is a tie, the game can end in a draw or you can have a tiebreaker round.
- Themed Hunts: Create themed hunts (e.g., pirates, nature) where the objects fit the theme.
- Clue-Based Hunts: Provide clues or riddles that lead to the hidden objects for an added challenge.
- Different Areas: Change the playing area for different rounds to keep the game fresh and exciting.
Tips for a Fun Game
- Make sure the hidden objects are age-appropriate and safe.
- Encourage teamwork and fair play.
- Adjust the difficulty of hiding spots based on the age group of the players.