
Item needed:

No items required

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Game duration(Mins):

10 - 20
Have a group sit in a circle. Every player is secretly given an action they must do on a “trigger”. For example, the action might be to cough whenever a certain player in the circle talks. The goal is for someone in the middle to guess all of the triggers.


The objective of “Trigger” is for the player in the middle to correctly identify the triggers and corresponding actions of the players seated in the circle.


  1. Arrange all players in a circle, with one player in the middle.
  2. Distribute slips of paper to each player seated in the circle. These slips should contain the action they must perform when their trigger occurs. Examples of triggers and actions:
    • Cough whenever the player on your left speaks.
    • Scratch your head when the player opposite you laughs.
    • Tap your foot when the player two seats to your right claps.

How to Play

  1. Assign Roles:
    • Select one player to start in the middle of the circle. This player will be the “Guesser.”
    • All other players seated in the circle will receive their secret trigger-action instructions.
  2. Start the Game:
    • The game begins when the Guesser says, “Start.”
    • Players seated in the circle should act naturally and wait for their trigger to occur.
    • When a trigger happens, the player must perform their assigned action discreetly.
  3. Guessing:
    • The Guesser observes the players and tries to identify the triggers and actions.
    • When the Guesser believes they have identified a trigger and action, they can point to a player and state their guess, e.g., “I think you cough when the player on your left speaks.”
    • If the guess is correct, the identified player reveals their trigger-action slip.
    • If the guess is incorrect, the Guesser must continue observing and guessing.
  4. Winning the Game:
    • The game continues until the Guesser correctly identifies all triggers and actions or until a pre-determined time limit is reached.
    • If all triggers and actions are identified, the Guesser wins the game.
    • If the time limit is reached and not all triggers are identified, the remaining players win.


  1. Players must perform their actions immediately and naturally when their trigger occurs.
  2. Players should not make their actions too obvious to avoid easy identification by the Guesser.
  3. The Guesser should be observant and try to identify patterns in players’ behaviors.

Tips for a Fun Game

  • Be creative with the triggers and actions to make the game more challenging.
  • Ensure actions are subtle but noticeable enough to be fun.
  • Rotate the Guesser role to give everyone a chance to be in the middle.

Enjoy the game of “Trigger” and have fun guessing and observing!

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