Two Truths And A Lie

Item needed:

No items required

Min players:


Max players:

Required age:


Average cost:


Game duration(Mins):

10 - 20
Two Truths And A Lie, In each round of this game, participants will share two things about themselves that are true, as well as one thing that is not true. The job of the other participants is to try to guess which item is the untruth.


The objective of “Two Truths And A Lie” is to identify the false statement among three statements made by another player.


  1. Gather all players in a comfortable space where everyone can see and hear each other clearly.
  2. Ensure everyone has a notepad and pen or an electronic device to jot down their thoughts.

Game Play

  1. Starting the Game:
    • Choose the first player to start. This can be done randomly or by mutual agreement.
  2. Making Statements:
    • The starting player thinks of three statements about themselves: two truths and one lie.
    • The player announces the three statements to the group.
  3. Guessing:
    • The other players discuss among themselves and decide which statement they believe is the lie.
    • Each player takes turns announcing their guess and the reason behind it.
  4. Revealing the Truth:
    • After all guesses are made, the original player reveals which statement was the lie.
    • Players who correctly guessed the lie receive one point.
  5. Next Player’s Turn:
    • The player to the left of the first player takes the next turn and the process repeats.
    • Continue the game until each player has had a turn to present their statements or for a predetermined number of rounds.

Winning the Game

  • The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Tips for Statements

  • Mix interesting facts with subtle lies to make the game more challenging.
  • Avoid using too obvious truths or lies to keep the game engaging.


  • Theme-Based Rounds: Focus on specific themes like childhood, work, hobbies, etc.
  • Time-Limited Rounds: Set a time limit for discussion and guessing to speed up the game.

Age Appropriateness

  • Ensure that all statements are appropriate for the age group playing, especially if younger players are involved.

Required Items

  • Notepad and pen or an electronic device for each player to write down guesses.

Game Duration

  • The game duration can vary depending on the number of players and rounds. A typical session lasts around 30-60 minutes.

Average Cost

  • The game is virtually free, requiring only basic writing materials.