Wheelbarrow Relay Race
Item needed:
- Wheelbarrrrow
- Pylon


Min players:
Max players:
Required age:
Average cost:
Game duration(Mins):
20 - 30
- Description
- How to play?
Make teams. Players take turns pushing each other in a wheelbarrow around a pylon in a relay race.
The Wheelbarrow Relay Race
The objective of the game is for each team to complete the relay course in the shortest amount of time. The team that finishes the course first, with all members having taken their turns, wins the game.
Game Setup
Materials Needed:
- 1 wheelbarrow per team
- 1 pylon or marker for each team
- Stopwatch or timer
- Cones or markers to outline the course (optional)
- Select a Playing Area: Choose a flat, open outdoor space where the wheelbarrow can be easily maneuvered.
- Set Up the Course: Place a pylon or marker at one end of the playing area. This will be the turnaround point. The starting line should be about 20-30 feet away from the pylon.
- Form Teams: Divide players into teams of 2-5 members each, ensuring the teams are balanced in terms of strength and agility.
- Assign Wheelbarrows: Provide each team with a wheelbarrow.
Game Rules
Starting the Race:
- All teams line up at the starting line with their wheelbarrows.
- The first player from each team gets into the wheelbarrow.
- On the signal (whistle or shout), the second player pushes the first player in the wheelbarrow around the pylon and back to the starting line.
Relay Turns:
- Upon returning to the starting line, the players switch roles: the one who was in the wheelbarrow becomes the pusher, and the next team member gets into the wheelbarrow.
- The next round starts as soon as the previous pair crosses the starting line.
- This continues until all team members have had a turn both pushing and riding in the wheelbarrow.
Winning the Game:
- The first team to have all its members complete the course wins.
- In the case of a tie, a tiebreaker round can be conducted where the fastest individual team member completes the course.
Safety Tips
- Ensure the playing area is free of obstacles and debris.
- Encourage players to wear appropriate footwear and clothing for running and pushing a wheelbarrow.
- Players should be cautious and avoid rough handling of the wheelbarrow to prevent injuries.
- Obstacle Course: Add obstacles along the course to increase the difficulty level.
- Backward Relay: Players must push the wheelbarrow backward.
- Timed Trials: Each team runs the course individually and their time is recorded. The team with the fastest time wins.
Enjoy the fun and excitement of the Wheelbarrow Relay Race, and may the best team win!