Broken Telephone with Headphones
Broken Telephone with Headphones is a game where the players with music in their headphones stand in a line facing the back of the player in front of them. The first player in the line has no music and receives a phrase which he has to say to the player in front of him and the player in front of him passes it on to the next player and so on. The last player has to say the phrase that came to him out loud.

Improvisation Games
Players perform scenes or stories on the spot without rehearsal, often with prompts from the audience or a game master.

Discover Avalon, an immersive social deduction game set in Arthurian legend. Use strategy and deception as loyal servants of Arthur or minions of Mordred to complete quests and shape Avalon's

This game is a cross between pictionary, sculptionary and charades. Firstly, come up with a list of pictionary style words. The words must be simple enough to draw/sculpt/act. Divide the group into 4 teams and give each team a tray of play-doh, some paper and some pens. The leader who is running the game stands in the middle of the room. Then each team sends a volunteer up to the leader and they then get each player to roll the dice in turns. i.e 1,2 - charades, 3,4- pictionary, 5,6- sculptionary. Then give all the players

Bible Quiz
A simple bible quiz is a great way to help kids comprehend bible passages and stories. It can be used a tool for learning in small groups, an ice breaker for a big group or maybe as a round in a quiz night. The questions in the quiz could be general questions from all over the bible, or could be restricted to a particular bible story or passage. This is up to you to work out what will server your youth group best. It works really well in the setting on an "introduction night" for a the series/book you're about to start working through. It can be done at the end of the session to test and remind the kids of what has been discussed. The questions used the bible quiz can be simple answer questions, multiple choice and true or false. Or you can get creative - maybe use a PowerPoint presentation to display some graphical questions as well. You could do the quiz as an "open bible" quiz which will encourage kids to be using their bibles to find answers as you go and is a good way to help kids "get to know" their bibles.

The Chameleon Game
The Chameleon Game is a social deduction game where players must figure out who the "chameleon" is based on their answers to a series of questions. Players sit in a circle or around a table. Each player is given a card that contains a list of related words or prompts, except for the chameleon, who receives a card with no information other than the word "chameleon." The game consists of several rounds. In each round, one player is selected to be the moderator, who poses a question or gives a prompt related to the words or themes listed on the players' cards. Each player, including the chameleon, takes turns giving a response to the question or prompt. The chameleon's challenge is to blend in with the other players' responses without revealing their lack of knowledge about the secret word or theme. After all players have given their responses, players discuss among themselves and vote on who they believe the chameleon is. If the majority of players correctly identify the chameleon, they win the round. If the chameleon successfully avoids detection, they win the round instead.

Codenames is a word association game played on a 5x5 grid of word cards. Each team has a spymaster who provides single-word clues followed by a number, indicating how many words on the grid relate to the clue. The operatives, seated opposite the spymasters, discuss and guess the words based on these clues. Once an operative selects a word, the spymaster reveals if it belongs to their team, the opponent, is neutral, or is the assassin. Guessing an opponent’s word ends their turn, guessing a neutral word ends the turn without penalty, and guessing the assassin results in an immediate loss. The game involves strategic thinking and careful word association, aiming to identify all words of one's team while avoiding the assassin. The team that successfully identifies all their words first, or avoids the assassin while making correct guesses, wins the game.

Questions You Shouldn't Know the Answer To
Divide into Girls and Boys teams. Alternative with trivia questions: Ask the girls questions that only boys would know the answer to, and ask the boys the questions that only girls would know the answer to.

All players stand in a large circle. One player is chosen as the detective. Detective leaves the circle as the rest of the players decide who the murderer will be. Detective rejoins the circle. Everyone in the circle can carry on having discussions, etc. If the player has the murderer wink at them, they die (and can do so dramatically for effect). Detective must identify who the murderer is within 3 guesses.

The Resistance
A game of social deduction where players are divided into two teams, the Resistance and the Spies. The Resistance's goal is to complete missions, while the Spies' goal is to sabotage the missions.

Find a Wordle
1. Use a book to the get the text for a larger section of scripture - maybe a whole chapter - that you are studying. 2. Copy that into the Wordle site and let it generate a Wordle for you. 3. Put the generated Wordle and your book passage onto a single page of paper. 4. Highlight the words in the passage that you want the kids to find in the Wordle. Although this would seem fairly simple, depending on the number of words and the layout of the Wordle, it can be quite difficult. 5. Use the normal incentives to keep the kids focused - first person to find a specific word gets a prize, first finished, work in pairs etc. This website allows you to generate cool 'wordles'. They are like a word cloud where the size of word is in proportion to its usage. The site allows you to generate your own Wordle in many different formats.

The Storytelling Challenge
Each person writes down a random word on a piece of paper. The papers are collected and redistributed randomly. Each person must then tell a story that incorporates all the words they received.