Paper Maze
Lay out paper on the floor in a grid. On a separate piece of paper, draw a path through this grid that only the game host can see. Teams take turns trying to go through the grid and guessing the correct path. If they step on a square that is not on the path held by the game host, they must start again. First team through wins.

Knot Tying
Players get an amount of time to tie a knot. Switch with another player and first to untie the knot wins. Should probably use a thicker rope so that it is actually possible to untie.

Outpost is a team game where players are separated into equal teams and given their own coloured flag-football flags which are worn around their waist. The objective of the game is to get the other teams flags. Flags that do not have stars are worth 100 points, flags that have stars counts as 1000 points per star (people that have flags with stars are called generals and are usually hidden by their teammates each round to avoid the other team capturing them).The game starts with one group in a room where they cannot see the other team while the other group is everywhere else. The people outside the room have a slight advantage since they can hide their generals first without worrying about the other team spotting them, also they can do a surprise attack on the other team (groups change starting positions each game). When the bell rings (or whatever you use to initiate and end the game) both teams are now allowed to go after the other team and hide their generals. When you get a flag off the opposing player you will both walk back to the place where a leader is keeping score and tell them how many points you got for your team colour, and then return the flag to the other player and go off again getting flags and finding generals. The player who was captured and gets his flag back then counts to ten out loud and puts his flag back on(during this time no one can capture him, he has time to get away and rest)

End of the World
End of the World, Make a large circle with the rope on the floor, have the group stand in the centre of the circle. Now simply pull the ends of the rope thus making the circle grow smaller. The group must try to survive for as long as possible (They will fight for survival) I make a rule of no pushing, however team work is the key, getting people on your back, making a human tower etc. A person is out when they step over the rope.

Packing Peanut Tower
Divide your group into even teams. Designate an area for each team to use to build their tower. Provide each team with an even distribution of supplies “ packing peanuts and toothpicks. Explain the rules of the challenge to your group “ each team will get the same amount of time (5-15 minutes, depending on what suits) to build the tallest freestanding tower they can out of only packing peanuts and toothpicks. When the time runs out, teams must stop building their towers and let them stand freely on their own. If the tower falls down, that's too bad - the height is measured to its tallest vertical point. The team with the tallest tower wins!

Use tape to create large boxes on the floor or ground. Each of these boxes is a deck. Students gather in one of these decks -- the poopdeck, quarterdeck and halfdeck. The leader calls out a "deck" and all the students move to the deck called out. The last student into the deck is out of the game. The game continues until two students are left. You can yell out commands too instead of moving them to another "deck." -- like "hit the deck" (everyone goes face down, last one down is out)… "swab the deck" (everyone on their knees) … very, very fun. Be creative!

Spaghetti and Marshmallows
Give each team a packet of spaghetti and marshmallows each. The team that builds the tallest spaghetti and marshmallow tower wins!

Bible Story Jigsaw Puzzle Race
Divide a Bible story picture into jigsaw puzzle pieces. Participants race to put the puzzle together as quickly as possible.

Tag game where players must avoid being tagged. Once you've been tagged your arms and legs can be used to tag other people, except your bottom must remain on the floor. The last person to be tagged wins!

Fruits of the Spirit Relay
Divide the group into teams and set up stations representing each of the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control). At each station, participants complete a challenge related to that fruit before moving on to the next.

The Mafia Game is a social deduction game where players are secretly assigned roles as either Mafia members or Townspeople. The Mafia's goal is to eliminate the Townspeople without revealing their identities, while the Townspeople aim to identify and eliminate the Mafia. Through alternating Night and Day phases, players discuss, accuse, and vote on who they believe is part of the Mafia until one team achieves its win condition. It's a game of strategy, deception, and deduction that requires players to bluff and outsmart their opponents.

Create a Commercial
This game can either be done using a video camera and a TV, or just acted out on the spot. Split your group up into teams and give each team a random object which they will need to advertise and maybe something like a theme (i.e. "school" or "hospital") that they will need to run with. Send each team off to prepare their commercial then either get each team to individually film their ad, or just bring them all back to the hall and get them to act it out in front of each other. Maybe have some light-hearted judges on the side also?