Sing Your Heart Out
Make teams. Host of the game says a word. Teams must write down as many songs as possible that have that word in it within the time limit. Once time is up, alternate between teams as they sing songs from their list. Same song cannot be sung twice. Last team standing wins.

Flip the Blanket
Have teams each stand on their own blanket. Teams must work together to flip over the blanket without having any team member touch the floor. If they touch the floor, the team must start again.

Balloon Defence
Balloon Defence is a capture the flag variant where teams must compete to pop the other team's balloons.

Wheel Barrow Race
Two or more teams. One player inside the wheelbarrow and one carrying the wheelbarrow. They go through a circuit and the first to cross the finish line wins.

End of the World
End of the World, Make a large circle with the rope on the floor, have the group stand in the centre of the circle. Now simply pull the ends of the rope thus making the circle grow smaller. The group must try to survive for as long as possible (They will fight for survival) I make a rule of no pushing, however team work is the key, getting people on your back, making a human tower etc. A person is out when they step over the rope.

Outpost is a team game where players are separated into equal teams and given their own coloured flag-football flags which are worn around their waist. The objective of the game is to get the other teams flags. Flags that do not have stars are worth 100 points, flags that have stars counts as 1000 points per star (people that have flags with stars are called generals and are usually hidden by their teammates each round to avoid the other team capturing them).The game starts with one group in a room where they cannot see the other team while the other group is everywhere else. The people outside the room have a slight advantage since they can hide their generals first without worrying about the other team spotting them, also they can do a surprise attack on the other team (groups change starting positions each game). When the bell rings (or whatever you use to initiate and end the game) both teams are now allowed to go after the other team and hide their generals. When you get a flag off the opposing player you will both walk back to the place where a leader is keeping score and tell them how many points you got for your team colour, and then return the flag to the other player and go off again getting flags and finding generals. The player who was captured and gets his flag back then counts to ten out loud and puts his flag back on(during this time no one can capture him, he has time to get away and rest)

Make it out of a chair
First, you split up into groups of 3-5. You should have at least three teams to play. Each team gets a chair and the caller chooses any random tangible-object noun. Each team is given 5 minutes to create that thing/person from the chair and the items given to them. As a bonus, each team gets one random object. It needs to be something that could be wrapped/tied/stuck to the chair, and be able to get un-stuck. (Toilet paper, multi-coloured duct tape, yarn, ribbons, a bag of safety pins with cotton balls, magnets, etc.)As more rounds are played, the game gets sillier and crazier every time--due to the fact that the paper has already been drawn and cut out and used, as well as things that have been pinned together, and other objects that might look "used up". It's a blast, and everyone brainstorms and then builds a wacky-looking creation out of a chair! The prep work is definitely worth it.

Lemon and Spoon Race
Participants balance a lemon on a spoon and race to a designated point. If the lemon falls, they must go back to the starting line. The first person or team to reach the finish line without dropping the lemons wins.

Packing Peanut Tower
Divide your group into even teams. Designate an area for each team to use to build their tower. Provide each team with an even distribution of supplies “ packing peanuts and toothpicks. Explain the rules of the challenge to your group “ each team will get the same amount of time (5-15 minutes, depending on what suits) to build the tallest freestanding tower they can out of only packing peanuts and toothpicks. When the time runs out, teams must stop building their towers and let them stand freely on their own. If the tower falls down, that's too bad - the height is measured to its tallest vertical point. The team with the tallest tower wins!

Cross Country Spoon
Everyone's played spoons right? The beauty of this game is that you can make it as hard or easy as you like. It involves all the same rules as normal spoons, except instead of lining the spoons up in the centre of the group, find a place far away and put them there! It's preferable to place obstacles between the playing area and the spoons, and probably better played outdoors (but maybe you'd like to mix it up? like start indoors, with the spoons outside!) Could even get messy, bit of commando action even!

In this game, you divide a wide field into two halves with a long hose and scatter light, unbreakable objects like empty ice cream containers evenly on both sides. Split players into two teams, each starting on their designated side. The goal is to collect as many containers as possible onto their side. Players remain safe on their side but can be tagged when crossing into the opposing side. Tagged players must squat and wait for a teammate's rescue tag. Rescued players can be tagged again while escaping. To collect a container, players must cross to the other side, grab one container, and bring it back without being tagged. Dropped containers stay where they fall. Players can either run to rescue teammates or use stealth to blend in with the opposing team. If questioned directly or touched, they must reveal their true team.

Spaghetti and Marshmallows
Give each team a packet of spaghetti and marshmallows each. The team that builds the tallest spaghetti and marshmallow tower wins!