Game Categories
Cost per person
Game duration
Number of players
Min age of players


6 - 20
15 - 20

All players stand in a large circle. One player is chosen as the detective. Detective leaves the circle as the rest of the players decide who the murderer will be. Detective rejoins the circle. Everyone in the circle can carry on having discussions, etc. If the player has the murderer wink at them, they die (and can do so dramatically for effect). Detective must identify who the murderer is within 3 guesses.

Scissor Cutting

2 - 20
10 - 30

Draw a track on a piece of paper. Give contestants scissors and they race to cut out that track.

Mingle mingle mingle

15 - 10000
10 - 30

Get the whole group together. The leader running the game calls out a category question (for example - what is your favourite colour?). Everyone in the group would then have to start calling out their favourite colour to each other and find the others in the group who have the same favourite colour as them. When a player finds another player who has the same answer as them they then join together (by linking arms) and continue to go round the group looking for more people with the same answer. After a minute or so (completely up to the leader running the game) the leader can call "STOP". Each group needs to call out their answer. If there are two people/groups who have the same answer but are not linked together then they are eliminated from the next round. Or alternatively, to keep everyone involved, you can give each kid five wrapped lollies or popsticks to start with and if they lose one each time this happens. Be creative with the questions you ask: - Favourite pizza topping - Favourite ice cream flavour - Favourite TV show - Favourite band - Favourite book of the Bible, etc.

Escape The Monster

10 - 15
5 - 15

Escape the monster is one of the interesting birthday party games for kids. Where all the children are supposed to be lined up on one side of the room. Then, one or two other children will be made to pretend monsters in the middle of a forest. The children then have to run across the forest without getting caught by the monster. If the monster manages to catch them, they become monsters as well. This fun and frolic will continue until one child gets caught. The last child who has not gotten caught at all is then the winner.

Slow cycling

3 - 10000
5 - 15

A "slow cycling race" is an event where participants compete to cross the finish line in the slowest possible time. Unlike traditional bike races where speed is crucial, in a slow cycling race, the goal is to maintain the slowest pace without coming to a complete stop.

Mix and Mingle

10 - 10000
30 - 60

Get the group to stand in the middle of a hall area. The leader of the game will stand at the front of the hall, facing towards the group of people. The game leader will call out a choice to the group, pointing to opposite sides of the room for each option. For example, the first choice could be "inside vs outside". When the game leader says "inside" they would point to the left side of the room, when they say "outside" they would point to the right side of the room. Each of the players then run or walk to the side of the room which they prefer. For example, if I like "outside" more than "inside" then I would go to the right. It's good to do a whole variety of choices and some will provide laughter and some might be more serious. I find it helpful to stop (maybe after a more interesting choice) and get the players to turn to someone next to them and ask them why they chose what they chose. Here are some examples of choices: Nature vs City, Casual vs Dress-up, Inside vs Outside

Find a Wordle

6 - 15
20 - 30

1. Use a book to the get the text for a larger section of scripture - maybe a whole chapter - that you are studying. 2. Copy that into the Wordle site and let it generate a Wordle for you. 3. Put the generated Wordle and your book passage onto a single page of paper. 4. Highlight the words in the passage that you want the kids to find in the Wordle. Although this would seem fairly simple, depending on the number of words and the layout of the Wordle, it can be quite difficult. 5. Use the normal incentives to keep the kids focused - first person to find a specific word gets a prize, first finished, work in pairs etc. This website allows you to generate cool 'wordles'. They are like a word cloud where the size of word is in proportion to its usage. The site allows you to generate your own Wordle in many different formats.

Human Knot

4 - 20
15 - 30

Have the group stand in a circle, reach in and grab someone else's hand (not from the same person), then try to untangle the knot without letting go of each other's hands.

The Storytelling Challenge

2 - 10000
15 - 20

Each person writes down a random word on a piece of paper. The papers are collected and redistributed randomly. Each person must then tell a story that incorporates all the words they received.


10 - 10000
15 - 30

You get all the chairs in a circle and have the people playing sit on them. Make sure there are no empty chairs. Then pick someone to stand in the middle of the circle. The aim for him/her is to take a seat. Chits are made with certain details for example "Everyone wearing black clothing" The person in the middle reads the chit from the pile of chits and begins to find a seat. The aim for the people sitting is to not let the player in the middle take a seat from them. To stop them from sitting down the players that are sitting down shuffle from chair to chair. Players can change the direction at any time. There should be one less chair than the number of people playing the game so that there will always be one person who does not have a seat and that person can stand in the middle and read the next chit

Freeze Tag

2 - 10000
20 - 30

One person is "it" and tries to tag the other players. When someone is tagged, they must freeze in place until another player tags them to "unfreeze" them. The game continues until everyone is frozen.

Guess the Movie

2 - 10000
25 - 35

Each player writes down the name of a movie on a piece of paper and places it in a bowl. Players take turns drawing a movie title out of a bowl and acting out a scene from that movie while the others try to guess what is the name of the movie.

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