Blindfolded Yogurt Eating
Make teams of two. Blindfold both team members and have one serve yogurt to the other.

Stealth and Seize
Divide into teams. All player have a flag tucked into their pocket. They are captured when that flag is taken, regardless of where in the area of play they are. Players must return to their base and get a new flag if theirs is stolen. Stolen flags can be returned to a players' own base for point, or can be held on to at the risk that another player will steal them. Capturing the flag is worth a certain amount of points. Winner is decided on points.

The Imposter Artist
The host chooses a word, writes it on paper and gives it to the participants. The twist is, one participant will get a paper that says imposter. Now, the host choose one player to start drawing. Each participant draws one line at a time, but must try not to make it so obvious.The imposter needs to pretend to know what he/she is drawing. Everyone draws twice ( two turns ) and then the group gets to vote who they think the imposter is. If the imposter tricks the other participants, he/she wins the game.

Call up two people who are close friends. Give each a picture of themselves and their teammate. Ask questions like "who is more likely to...". Teams get points when they answer the same.

The contestant or team with the highest total at the end of Final Jeopardy is declared the winner The game is known for its unique answer-and-question format, where the host presents the clues, and contestants respond by framing their answers in the form of a question. The game combines knowledge, strategy, and quick thinking, making it a beloved and enduring quiz show.

Touch and Feel Challenge
Blindfold players, have them wear oven mitts, then ask them to recognize objects by touching them.

Broken Telephone Charades
Arranges players into a line, with all players looking away from the stage so they can't see what is happening. Whisper an action to the first player in line. They act this out for only the second person. The second person then acts out what they saw for the third, etc. The last person has to guess what the action was.

Plate Flipping
Get lots of paper plates. Mark one side with an X. Divide the group into two teams. One team must flip plates over to show the X, the other team must flip to hide the X. Winning team is the one with the most plates flipped to their side after the time limit is up.

King's Court Dodgeball
Throwing dodgeballs at each other. Variations: Players are back in when the player who hit them is out

Jump off a chair
Blindfold a person and have them stand on a chair. Tell them they are going to jump off the chair when it is held high in the air. Two people on the side lift the chair slightly off the ground. The host asks the player on the chair to touch them on the shoulder, then the host ducks so the person thinks they are very high in the air. They then jump and land way sooner than they expect. It's quite funny.

Chicken Catching
A variation on balloon stomp. Divide into two teams. Tape balloons decorated to look like chickens to players' ankles. One "catcher" from each team must grab the balloons from the other players.

Red Light Green Light
The player who is "it" faces away from everyone else. When they say "Green Light", all other players can run towards them. When the player who is "it" says "Red Light" and turns, players must stop. If the player who is "it" catches anyone moving when they turn, those players must go back to the starting line.