Just Dance Live
Based on the game for Kinnect or Wii, this is a simple fun, high energy group game for your students. Think a little of "Follow the Leader" meets the dancing video game..LIVE! You can honestly play in anywhere or any time you just have to have some music and a few students. It is great for an up front challenge, a full group game, or simple a time killer as you wait to get started. Have one person, leader or student stand up in front of the group to be the "dance avatar". Select 2-4 player or up to as many as you want to follow along. Put on a great dance song or beat and have your "avatar" bust out their best or craziest dance moves, while players try to follow along. The winner or winners, if you want to have one is the person/people who keep up the best with the "avatar". If you are doing an up front version you can have the crowd vote or if you doing a bigger group version you can have adult leader walking around "tapping" people out to leave the dance floor, dance marathon-style.

Cross Country Spoon
Everyone's played spoons right? The beauty of this game is that you can make it as hard or easy as you like. It involves all the same rules as normal spoons, except instead of lining the spoons up in the centre of the group, find a place far away and put them there! It's preferable to place obstacles between the playing area and the spoons, and probably better played outdoors (but maybe you'd like to mix it up? like start indoors, with the spoons outside!) Could even get messy, bit of commando action even!

In this game, you divide a wide field into two halves with a long hose and scatter light, unbreakable objects like empty ice cream containers evenly on both sides. Split players into two teams, each starting on their designated side. The goal is to collect as many containers as possible onto their side. Players remain safe on their side but can be tagged when crossing into the opposing side. Tagged players must squat and wait for a teammate's rescue tag. Rescued players can be tagged again while escaping. To collect a container, players must cross to the other side, grab one container, and bring it back without being tagged. Dropped containers stay where they fall. Players can either run to rescue teammates or use stealth to blend in with the opposing team. If questioned directly or touched, they must reveal their true team.

Spaghetti and Marshmallows
Give each team a packet of spaghetti and marshmallows each. The team that builds the tallest spaghetti and marshmallow tower wins!

Party Blower Matchbox Race
Line up everyone is one long line then give each child a party blower and empty match box. On their knees, each player must blow the match box to the other end of room using the party blower. First player to other side wins!

Flour Mountain
First fill the bowl with flour then put the plate over it and then flip it over making sure the plate is on the bottom. Put it on the table and take the bowl away. Put a marshmallow on top carefully. Now get the kids to take in turns cutting the cake made of flour into slices. If it collapses when the child cuts it then they have to stick there face in and try and get it out. You can play this game as many times as you want but make sure that you replace the marsh mellows. It is safe to keep using the same flour over and over again. Make sure that you cover the table to protect it from all the flour.

Chair on the wall
There is no equipment required for this game, except a blank patch of smooth wall. Line up against the wall, with your backs right against the wall. Slowly move down the wall, "walking" your feet out, until you are in a sitting position - i.e. your thighs are parallel to the floor, and your knees are at a 90 degree angle. Your back should still against the wall. Your hands should be on your thighs or knees. The winner is the last person who can remain in this position. Line up against the wall, with your backs right against the wall. Slowly move down the wall, "walking" your feet out, until you are in a sitting position - i.e. your thighs are parallel to the floor, and your knees are at a 90 degree angle. Your back should still against the wall. Your hands should be on your thighs or knees. The winner is the last person who can remain in this position.

Human Relay
Each team forms a straight line behind the start line. When the relay starts, the first team member carries the second team member to the finish line. Once they arrive, the person who was carried runs back to the team and carries the next person to the finish line. The game ends when all team members have crossed the finish line.

Ships Wreck
Ships Wreck, Divide the kids into teams of around 10 people. Each team will need a "ship" - this could be a hula hoop or something else of a similar size (small blanket, plank of wood). Each team will start at one end of the playing field and their object is to run to the other end while carrying their ship. When the instructor yells "SHARK", every team needs to immediately drop their ship on the ground and then jump on top/inside of it. The first team with everyone on board of their ship will get a point. Crossing the finish line first could gain the team three points. You can repeat this game as many times as you want.

Get the youth to make a circle with the chairs facing inwards. There needs to be one less chair than there are people. One person stands in the middle of the circle. The people sitting on chairs then have to make eye contact with someone across the circle (they cannot make eye contact with someone next to them). Once they have made definite eye contact, they must get up and quickly swap seats. The person in the middle must also try to find a seat. Everyone does this all at once creating CHAOS!

Bible Story Jigsaw Puzzle Race
Divide a Bible story picture into jigsaw puzzle pieces. Participants race to put the puzzle together as quickly as possible.

Wizard in the dark
Make a room be able to go from pitch black to full light with the flick of a switch, and I'm serious pitch black. Cover up emergency lights and exit signs, unless it's illegal in your area. Shuffle and pass out a deck of cards. Make sure that there is only one Ace and one King in the stack. The student who draws the Ace is the wizard, and the student who draws the King is the police officer. When everyone has drawn cards, turn off the lights. The job of the wizard is to walk around amongst the students and put people to sleep by tapping both of their shoulders. Once a player is asleep, they must fall to the ground. If a player "runs into" a sleeping person they yell out "SLEEPER IN THE DARK." At this time the lights need to be turned on. If the person sleeping was the police officer, the game ends. Everyone should guess who the wizard is, and if the police officer chooses to reveal him/herself they can make one person show their card. They do not have to reveal their identity. If the guess is correct, the game is over. If not, the lights turn back off. The police officer only gets one chance per round. This repeats until all people are asleep, the officer is put to sleep, or the wizard is identified. When this is over, take up the cards, shuffle, and play again. Evidently there is no way to win. The game is incredible fun, and students usually end up playing for hours.